
65 Decks, 1,015 Comments, 199 Reputation

Thanks for your input, and yea i'm thinking it might be a good idea to switch out condemn for something, maybe vapor snag. and I really want to get ahold of a couple phantasmal image for this deck. and I was also thinking about another honor of the pure, tho i'm unsure if i wanna add another or just take it out. And i really do like doomed traveler it's just annoying that i have to kill him first to get my flying spirit, tho it is nice i see to have 2 creatures packed into a 1 drop, I've always been iffy about him because i really just wanna get everything out with flying and all my mass buffs to hit killing shot as quick as possible. Tho a day of judgement might ruin my day which is why i can see doomed traveler being a good back-up for that. But i like the phantasmal image idea for in here, thanks!

Thanks for your suggestions planestalker

Posted 25 June 2012 at 00:16 in reply to #267707 on Flying/Spirits


No problem, bitter ordeal is my favorite card to abuse with myr retriever, but i never even thought of dross harvester for it so kudos there. And I would post one or two of my decks but it's hard to just choose one haha I actually own all of the decks on my page so if you wanted to check out any of them and/or throw in your thoughts for any one of them, I'm always trying to improve my decks =p

Posted 24 June 2012 at 13:05 in reply to #267569 on Heartless 1st Turn Kill - No Vintage Power Cards


I love legacy myself, I'm the opposite haha i don't post much on standard because i don't get into that format much. But he has simian spiritguide in there for his red mana, he just removes it from his hand and gets a free red mana. It's a sweet little card.

Posted 24 June 2012 at 05:13 in reply to #267559 on Heartless 1st Turn Kill - No Vintage Power Cards


I love the myr retriever combo, I have a deck that infinitely abuses myr retriever as well. You should try adding Bitter Ordeal, it works wonders in my deck, it decks every opponent at once, and gets past those nasty cards like emrakul that prevents deckings because it's removed from the game. =p nice deck tho

Posted 24 June 2012 at 04:58 as a comment on Heartless 1st Turn Kill - No Vintage Power Cards


nice infinite mana combo with the staff and any elf that can produce more than 4 mana =p

Posted 24 June 2012 at 01:55 as a comment on My current Elf deck


I would maybe switch our woodfall primus for terastodon, other than giving your opponents creatures he'll destroy 3 permanents which with your creature line up i see shouldn't be a problem that you can't deal with, =p maybe throw in a genesis wave too

Posted 17 June 2012 at 04:43 as a comment on Elvish Steel


I really want a puresteel paladin for my equipment deck, it's a great card. And nice with heartseeker and puresteel, tap out all your creatures and detroy all theirs, you have a real nice creature removal aspect to this deck.

My equipment deck is also a red/white deck, tho mines more based for doublestrike. Check it if you want:

Posted 13 June 2012 at 17:52 as a comment on EQUIP! COMMENT PLS


you should add mudbutton torchrunner, with sun titan you wanna be able to bring back as many useful cards as possible and that'd be a lightning bolt technically everytime he attacks with heartless summoning out

Posted 11 June 2012 at 16:51 as a comment on Wrath of the Titans


the sideboard is up to you, it really depends on the type of decks you think you might come across and the necessary cards that work with your deck to combatant them, like eldrazi momument is judgement day and wrath of god protection, same thing for akromas memorial with the giving all your creatures flying is pretty devastating and it shuts down burns and removal for black against your creatures, but asceticism is nice, cause your tokens obviously you dont have to worry about its your key cards like rhys or joraga or ect.. that you need to protect. the prowess of the fair is a pretty neat little cant get rid of my creatures card, but you will prolly be losing more tokens than actual elves, having 2 in your deck couldnt hurt i would say, but i would maybe up ezuri up to having 2 or 3 in there, he's a win with all the elf tokens you should have, you have 1 archdruid out an ezuri and 8 tokens you can bump your elves +6/+6 and trample =p

Posted 06 June 2012 at 17:12 as a comment on North Pole's Nite Shift - Dude's 1st Path to Pain


No problem man, and well if you're going for tokens there is no better card in the game for getting them than rhys, so it couldn't hurt, you have pretty good mana production so his big ability wont be hard to get to. I would drop the harbringer tho before i would drop another joraga

Posted 06 June 2012 at 14:52 as a comment on North Pole's Nite Shift - Dude's 1st Path to Pain


I'd love to play the deck =p it looks interesting to face. I even have an infinite combo deck too to face yours with, haha just who ever infinitely loops first

Posted 06 June 2012 at 06:19 as a comment on St Nick's Elves(infinite elf)


like the idea man, pretty original, at least i've never seen that combo with elves before, especially killing someone with prodigal sorcerer, haha ive never seen an insta kill combo with him

Posted 05 June 2012 at 07:07 as a comment on St Nick's Elves(infinite elf)


it makes your deck look alot more intimating too, at least to me

Posted 05 June 2012 at 07:05 as a comment on North Pole's Nite Shift - Dude's 1st Path to Pain


I'm liking that, i think it would make your deck not only more consistent, but have alot more synergy =p

Posted 05 June 2012 at 07:03 as a comment on North Pole's Nite Shift - Dude's 1st Path to Pain


Talara's battalion doesnt mix well either with this deck on the basis of what it does, its a good card but you could put more of other cards you already have in this deck in there and it would improve it much more i think, and its up to you cause its an iffy card, its really good but at the same time not completely necessary is rhys the exiled, i could see why you'd want to keep him in but you could also add another nmore essential card than that. Unless you really wanted all the life gain, but it doesnt seem like your deck really needs it... like i said they are just suggestions tho =p

Posted 04 June 2012 at 18:33 as a comment on North Pole's Nite Shift - Dude's 1st Path to Pain


dark confident is neat and all but i think your deck would be fine without it, and you only have 1 wellwisher in there so unless you plan on adding more i would take that out too, and i know nissas chosen is a card that everyone wants in there for nissa revane, but her gain life ability is a better one for the +1 one effect, just some suggestions =p

Posted 04 June 2012 at 18:27 as a comment on North Pole's Nite Shift - Dude's 1st Path to Pain


i would say to put in 2 more elvish archdruids, not only for the extra mana production but for the mass elf buff. and if you ever get multiple of most the elves in this deck i would say doubling chant. But other than what i just said, putting in multiples of the cards you already have should help

Posted 03 June 2012 at 21:48 as a comment on North Pole's Nite Shift - Dude's 1st Path to Pain


Cool infinite combos with the elves =p maybe sideboard or try to fit in the white enchantment indestructibly to make sure intruder alarm stays on the field, either way tho looks like a mean combo. How quickly do normally get one of the combos off to win?

Posted 03 June 2012 at 19:38 as a comment on St Nick's Elves(infinite elf)


so is this elf decks purpose for elf tokens and the mass buff of all elves or were you trying to go another direction with it?

Posted 03 June 2012 at 19:31 as a comment on North Pole's Nite Shift - Dude's 1st Path to Pain


I would try throwing in dangerous wager, might not be too bad of an add for this kind of deck. Cool idea tho, i like it

Posted 29 May 2012 at 06:40 as a comment on Hellbent Nights


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