
396 Decks, 283 Comments, 87 Reputation

@Gothy fair enough. Sorry for being so pushy, I just really want to see what makes this so great, and I'm always trying to learn and expect everyone to know everything about the decks they build, which is bull. I'm sorry, and I will try and find someone with something similar.

*First off (sorry it was bothering me, not trying to be a dick)

Secondly, That's not really showing me how they work together. What confuses me is that on one hand, Courser and Confidant do help dig in your deck. On the other, Confidant forces you to potentially lose more life than the reward, and with Courser only gainging so little, with the popularity of really fast decks, I can potentially see this deck being wiped out turn 4 if Confidant gets you a few higher costing draws. Do they work because your not supposed to care about the life, like with fetch lands? is it really that worth it?

And Tarmogoyf can be devastating, yes, but like I keep asking, why the hell would you add cards that hate the grave if he needs the grave to power up?

Posted 21 January 2015 at 12:23 in reply to #529983 on Junk Modern


This deck hates everything. It's purpose is literally to make your opponent scoop or flip the table.

Posted 21 January 2015 at 12:23 in reply to #530101 on Iso-ton of Nope


What am I supposed to be "hating on?" I love elemental decks, this one is actually pretty good. The onl thing that concerns me is the 7 mana 10/10.

Posted 21 January 2015 at 12:19 as a comment on Elemental Storm


If you had answers, you would actually answer the questions. You have literally avoided my exact questions by either A) taking them apart and trying to answer pieces or B) ignored the questions. I feel as though this is just a counter productive waste of time that i have seen fail repeatedly, and you have a reason as to why things are there, then instead of relying on "Play it to get it" then use actual logic and reason to answer a question that has been presented to you.

Posted 19 January 2015 at 22:24 in reply to #529983 on Junk Modern


I like how I literally give the exact reason why I don't get it even if I play against it, and you just repeat yourself because you have no answers. I have seen these kinds of decks get crushed on a day to day basis, and I did care to understand why it's popular, but now I just don't care anymore. I don't like having to cough up an unreasonable of money I will never have to spend on one deck for a card game that honestly in my opinion is not even worth $200. If you actually waste this much money and get knocked out round one of an event then fine by me.

Posted 19 January 2015 at 22:16 in reply to #529983 on Junk Modern


So basically, instead of answering my questions to help me understand why this deck is so good, you just throw out "Just play it." I have played something similar with a goblin deck and eaten it in 5-6 turns. I sat there afterward wondering why the hell he even tried to play it when he had all these "great cards" but none of them could stop me onslaught quick enough. What I'm trying to say is that you can't just throw off something with, "Just play it." I originally started all this with just a yearning to understand how this works or why i's so powerful but the more I think about it the less sense it makes. You've ignored most of what I asked because either A) you can't answer it or B) you just don't want to, which is really petty and shows just how much you actually believe in this deck. All I merely wanted was a better understanding of what makes this a good deck, and all I'm getting is someone who can't stop trying to dodge topics. If this is all just a misunderstanding, I would love to be enlightened, but don't hide behind empty reasons if you don't really have a reason to hide. Could you please stop avoiding my questions and help me get the picture now?

1) Why put goyf in a deck that hates on graves?

2) Why put confidant in with courser, it seems like a waste of space and money.

3) Can you really get away with the amount of removal and discard in this deck?

Posted 19 January 2015 at 21:52 in reply to #529983 on Junk Modern


First of all, some of my questions weren't really answered. Second of all, just because it's expensive doesn't automatically make it a powerhouse. It means you put a lot of hard earned money and time into it. Just because it has fancy cards that have a high price doesn't mean your going to top 8 either, especially when faster and more efficient decks out there.

1) Yes, Abrupt Decay is pretty goddamn good, but my question was ACTUALLY if you got away with such little removal in the deck. Don't really fast decks (like zoo, delver, infect, etc) just eat through you in 4-5 turns?

2) You may only need one creature, but all your opponent needs to do is kill it. If you rely so heavily on one creature, the chances of your opponent stopping you dead in your tracks are high if they run a removal heavy deck, like most decks do. Again, my question is why you put goyf with witness and ooze, because it seems counter productive, like most things in the deck.

3) Courser question still unaswered: Why put both confidant and courser in the deck. It "smoozes land drops" but honestly it seems like a crutch for when you don't have lands, and if you play it and start using only your lands from your deck, the opponent is gonna realize, "Hey, he has no lands!" and target it. Either way, with confidant, you still can only possibly gain 1 life every turn from courser but are almost guaranteed to lose that 1 life, and possibly more, every turn. How is this a good trade again?

In the end, this whole deck just looks counter productive as hell. You have cards that rely on graves to power them with grave hate, cards with slight life gain and rather large life costs, and in the end, a deck that just doesn't seeing worth $1.5k. I'm sorry man, I'm just not seeing the bang for the buck.

Posted 19 January 2015 at 21:23 in reply to #529983 on Junk Modern


I really get a bad feeling when I see this deck. First of all, it's $ 1.5 k in the mid cost, meaning there's no way in hell I'm ever gonna try it. Second of all, I just don't see how this deck, or tarmogoyf is just so threatening. Yeah, card types vary in a lot of decks, but I just don't see the price tag on goyf, maybe I just don't get how powerful it is. It goes for the rest of the deck to, I look at it and just see price tags on cards that don't really seem to come together and pull off something amazing. These are my biggest problems/questions that I would love a few answers to, I really want to see why this is such a powerful deck, because at the moment it just looks like a price tag without a reason for it:

1) Why the hell would you run witness and ooze with tarmogoyf? Isn't the point to put cards in the grave to power it up?

2) Why is Courser in here? Sure the life gain is nice, but your opponent can prepare for what's next if it's not a land. And doesn't it seem counter productive to use it with dark confidant, who seems like he hurts more than he helps when you've got a deck heavy on 3 drops.

3) It seems like it has discard as the primary source of removal, which is never a bad thing when discard is pretty difficult to deal with, but in reality your removal options seem really limited. Do you get away with only 8 removal spells often? It never seems to work for me.

Posted 19 January 2015 at 20:55 as a comment on Junk Modern


I play tested it slightly against a few decks, the best i fought was infect and delver, and I actually beat delver 2 - 1 because Rancor + Courage on aura gnarlid outplays Remand everyday. The infect deck got me 1 - 2, mostly because game one I could not draw a Plains for the life of me, and game two was way to close, and then game three by the time I put out a few auras he just played infecters with Hand of Praetors so it didn't matter. If I wasn't mana screwed the first game I might have had more of a chance, but those pumps are just hard as hell to handle in infect.

I was going to do Silhana Ledgewalker, but I've only seen it in Duels 2012, and by the time I made the deck I was like, "Whatever, Wolf is fine." Ledgewalker is great, I just can't get my hands on it. For the decklist, totally prefer Ledge (and will actually fix it right now) but I still have to find 3 now xD

Posted 19 January 2015 at 19:55 in reply to #529892 on Unleash Your Potential(Budget)


lol i do a bit xD it's a terrifying deck, nicely done.

Posted 29 December 2014 at 20:18 in reply to #525387 on Reject the Meta walk with Gods


Thanks a lot man :D I just made this as a troll deck because my friend hates goblins. I'm gonna check this out for ideas!

Posted 29 December 2014 at 20:18 in reply to #525506 on Gablans Smash Stoof


Take a million turns and play eldrazi? Here comes the pro tour.....

Posted 29 December 2014 at 06:40 as a comment on Reject the Meta walk with Gods


Why did you go to 100 cards/ it seems like fun I just can't see as to why you would need 100 when you could slim down to 60 and just keep your best stuff....either way I love the deck :)

Posted 29 December 2014 at 06:37 as a comment on Mutant: The Power of Simic!


*rereads torpor orb* oh, i thought it cancelled out all creature effects. my bad xD

Posted 20 October 2014 at 02:18 in reply to #510731 on Modern Demon aggro


torper orb takes out ALL your downsides and lets you drop cheap fatties for a more aggressive deck. I'd rather have a torpor orb on field so all of my "downsides" become nonexistant and your sweating bullets at whatever i have next for you than me being worried about a sudden abrupt decay or a wrath of the gods ruining not only my advantage or giving them a demon or two.

Posted 13 October 2014 at 03:48 in reply to #510731 on Modern Demon aggro


.....Terminate the Pestermite as you target it? or any removal spell? or a counter? most likely seeing that in modern. It's a fun deck, but it seems very easy to shut down

Posted 12 October 2014 at 20:16 as a comment on Pestermite Swarm


....Two Words: Torpor Orb. Your Welcome.

Posted 12 October 2014 at 19:15 as a comment on Modern Demon aggro


Why would you waste a spot in a deck for a land that gets you another land for 1 less life and does literally the same thing, because it's ONE COLOR. also, I understand that 1 life or 20 life doesn't matter in a burn deck, and the idea of stopping them temporarily is fun, but when you can only play 9-10 spells before you die due to your own card, that does not seem very smart. So why is it necessary to add something that will kill you and something that can be a mountain? I still didn't see your point in it.

Posted 12 October 2014 at 19:11 in reply to #510721 on nu-RDW


...Why Gitaxian probe? Why do you NEED it? is it for insurance that you can get off your win con?

Posted 12 October 2014 at 19:00 as a comment on Blink Strike


why the hell are you using eidolon in a mono red deck with nothing but 3 or less drops? and why are you using fetch lands in a mono red deck?

Posted 12 October 2014 at 18:52 as a comment on nu-RDW


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