DUEL DECK: Elves VS Zombies

by CiaranMadgrin on 30 March 2015

Main Deck (60 cards)

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Deck Description

It's time for another Duel Deck, this time, Elves have to face the Undead! This match-up is one I've wanted to see for a while, and now, we all get to see the epic showdown! Will the Elves survive the hordes of the dead, or will the corpses add more to their piles? It's a showdown for the history books, and it's anyone's game!


The beast has finally been taken down. For months, the great behemoth has reigned over the woods as king of the hunt, stealing all of the fine prey for itself. After much careful planning and trap setting, the finest hunters in the village have captured the beast. It took three nights, but the beast rests over an open fire. Celebration is in the air!

As the elves laugh and enjoy the night, one of the hunters is uneasy. During the hunt, one of his arrows broke while he was trying to shoot. He took it as an ill omen, but everyone else called it bad luck. As he stood watch in the trees, he couldn't shake the feeling that the night was far from over. Suddenly, a screams cuts through the air. Some hideous man is holding down and elven maiden, trying to steal a kiss it seemed. The hunter notched an arrow fired in the blink of an eye. After the man's heart was pierced, a few elves threw him off of the woman, who was screaming and bleeding from the neck. It was in those moments the elves realized that it was no man that attacked her....but a walking corpse. Shouts flooded the air as all elves were scrambling for battle stations. The fight of their lives had walked up to the elves' front door, and their very survival depended on victory!

How to Play

An elf once said, "Trust only nature, for it knows no betrayal." So, the ideal strategy of the elves is to unleash the forest's might to defeat your opponents. Your first few turns will be playing cards to get more resources, like Rampant Growth and Civic Wayfinder. Cards like Elvish Mystic help get more green mana as opposed to lands, which still helps bring out your more powerful cards earlier, like a possible Lys Alana Huntmaster on turn 3 or maybe even your overpowering Epic Proportions on turn three! As the game progress, you'll find yourself holding elves that power up the group or bring out more creatures for more elves! Wolf-Skull Shaman is a perfect example of this, bringing out a wolf token every time you have reveal an elf on your upkeep from the top of your deck! After you've gathered enough elves, your finishing card will most likely be Overrun, which gives all of your elves trample and and a big boost! By the time you get Overrun, you'll find yourself outnumbering the zombies and burning their corpses afterward! Just remember, even if it seems that there are too many, you just need faith that another elf will come to the rescue, because where there is one elf, there is always more!

Deck Tags

  • duel deck
  • Elf
  • Mana Ramp

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 1,494 times.

Mana Curve

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Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

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