
3 Decks, 17 Comments, 0 Reputation

I take it back. Sweet deck man.

Posted 12 April 2008 at 05:53 as a comment on Sliver


Mana Echoes. Check it out with Sliver Queen.

Posted 12 April 2008 at 05:45 as a comment on Sliver Overrun


Also it takes about 3 turns for you do play anything. Put in some smaller quick kill cards Rain of Embers looks pretty good in this deck? Orchish Settlers (I don't think they are legal in a tourney deck) would also be extremly helpful.

Posted 11 April 2008 at 14:06 as a comment on Land Destructo Overkill


Here's the deal. I like the academy ruins and i'll definitely look into that. But the templs actually play realy well in this deck. There is a mana gap from like 1,2 to some really absurdly high costs. So the fact that i may be able to play, but not use the Temples actually doesn't hurt me. Also, with the Coretappers i can double up counters on it till i have enough to play whatever. Seedborn Muse helps with this.

Posted 11 April 2008 at 13:54 as a comment on Darksteel Hell


Sweet deck, the only one that doesn't really do much is the Firewake Sliver. Also add a few 1 casting cost slivers to make this really fast and deadly.

Posted 11 April 2008 at 06:17 as a comment on Sliver


How do you protect yourself without the Angel? A counterspell or bounce wouldn't be a bad idea? Possibly save your Angel if it were to die. I also don't understand the main way of winning? Is it to mill your opponent? Wait them out? Ha. I like the idea, and it has all the components of a draw deck.

Posted 11 April 2008 at 06:14 as a comment on


I feel like you've put alot of single cards in this. 1/60 chance of getting a card you want is very limited. Try to fine tune it by doubling, tripling, or quading up on key cards. It's a fun deck though. I love Molimo, great choice.

Posted 11 April 2008 at 06:03 as a comment on Molimos Mana Ramp


I like it a lot. There was a cool combo i use to use to get lots of slivers, i know it doesn't apply to you currently but you could see if you wanted to use it in some way. The enchantment MANA ECHOES and using SLIVER QUEEN to generate slivers/infinite mana. I know you don't have the place for SLIVER QUEEN but you could find some burn spells to take advantage of your creature type dominance.

Posted 11 April 2008 at 05:57 as a comment on The Dark Side of Slivers


I like it a lot. There was a cool combo i use to use to get lots of slivers, i know it doesn't apply to you currently but you could see if you wanted to use it in some way. The enchantment MANA ECHOES and using SLIVER QUEEN to generate slivers/infinite mana. I know you don't have the place for SLIVER QUEEN but you could find some burn spells to take advantage of your creature type dominance.

Posted 11 April 2008 at 05:56 as a comment on The Dark Side of Slivers


I actually don't understand the main strategy. First i thought it was a land destroy deck, which it mainly is; but then i thought you would also add some more burn. But it seems you rely on the Terravore to do the dirty work? I like the idea and i'm sure it works, but i feel as though it's pretty one dimensional.


Posted 11 April 2008 at 05:42 as a comment on Land Destructo Overkill


I actually do use this deck. Oddly enough the speed is not a huge factor. I control the pace of the game pretty quickly with arcane laboratory. And really pile on the "i'm-sorry-but-you're-not-playing-any-spells" motif quickly. I don't play many spells on my turn, but do play lots of spells on their turn, which stops them from doing much. Thanks for the advice, any card suggestions/removals?

Posted 11 April 2008 at 05:33 as a comment on Phage and Cohorts


I like that a lot. Thanks. I will definitely put one in now. hahah

Posted 10 April 2008 at 17:41 as a comment on Darksteel Hell


Cloudpost my friend. It's the second key card. It gets you all the mana you want.

Posted 10 April 2008 at 13:48 as a comment on Darksteel Hell


I like this alot. Great job!

Posted 10 April 2008 at 05:48 as a comment on eRATicate


It's pretty hardcore about creature oriented decks. If you go up against a burn deck or counter deck i don't know how you'd fair? Have you? How did it go?

Posted 10 April 2008 at 05:30 as a comment on Assassin Deck


Mycosynth Lattice?

Posted 10 April 2008 at 04:15 as a comment on Infinite Illegal


Mycosynth Lattice?

Posted 10 April 2008 at 04:15 as a comment on Infinite Illegal
