
4 Decks, 12 Comments, 0 Reputation

Oh and as control you could add in some Umm........ shit I forgot what they're called. Life's Finale, I think, 6 mana wipe the field and look through target players library and put 3 cards in his or her graveyard. Like a Buried Alive but offers some control options.

Posted 27 June 2012 at 22:09 as a comment on Mortal Kombat


As far as low cost creatures go, vault skirges go a long way as decent blockers, same with typhoid rats for death touch. You could probably do with replacing 2 Xathrid Demons and 2 Bloodgapes with 4 typhoid rats or 4 vault skirges.

Posted 27 June 2012 at 22:07 in reply to #268531 on Mortal Kombat


Mana curve is pretty high..... Could use some mana ramp, and I would take out the Ad Nauseam, just put in some Sign in Bloods or something, you're gauranteed to deal some major dmg to yourself with Ad Nauseam....

Posted 27 June 2012 at 22:05 as a comment on Mortal Kombat


Played this deck in a 4 player free for all once, just built up my life quietly while they tried killing each other. Dropped out an unwinding clock with 2 chalices and killed everyone at the beginning of their turn.... Felt good man.jpg

Posted 27 June 2012 at 22:02 as a comment on Artifact Life Gain / Recursion


You should throw in some Pariah's. Redirects all dmg you take to spitemare. Also you could do with some umm.... shit I forgot what they were called, too lazy to look it up. Its like 2 or 4 mana for a white rebel creature that has 0 mana redirect any amt of dmg this creature would take however you'd like to any creatures you control. So you could use him as a blocker and assign dmg to spitemare when you're getting swarmed by other creatures.

Posted 27 June 2012 at 21:05 as a comment on Spitemare


Looks decent, I would remove the Bloodthrones and replace them with Viscera Seer's. They're just as good for feeding Blades but they also let you scry instead of do a momentary buff.

Posted 13 June 2011 at 01:55 as a comment on Blood Thirst (vampire deck)


Or add in an Ascetisism.

Posted 05 June 2011 at 14:41 as a comment on Type 2 golem\splicer deck


To nickbooth, if you're all that concerned with board wipe through precursor there are a number of options, you can sack it using the new phyrexia land that lets you tap, sac an artifact and gain one life. Or you can just use it as a burst finisher, casting it from your hand with some buffs so that you finish them with the golems you have out.

Posted 05 June 2011 at 14:36 as a comment on Type 2 golem\splicer deck


Things you could add in:

+4 forests, +2 islands, +4 Distortion Strike, +2 Brass Herald (If you don't care about legal), +2 Harrow, +2 Preordain +1, Tempered Steel

Explanation: Need more lands, bottom line. Brass Herald's fish for artificers and buff them up from 1/1. harrow and preordains to accelerate, tempered steel should be a four of if you want to run it. Distortion Strike is awesome with Precursor because your golems have a high chance of dying so you drop out a precursor AFTER building up your golems, distortion strike all golems for some serious dmg and then it rebounds next turn IF your golems aren't dead you can hit again for major dmg, if they are you can still hit them for something.

Things you could do to take out (don't necessarily need to)
-4 Conversion Chamber, -1 Blue sun Zenith, -2 Pristine Talisman, -1 Wing Splicer, -2 Maul Splicer, -4 Titan Forge, -2 Surge Node

Explanation: Conversation Chambers just aren't that great, mostly because you don't have that many artifacts that will be in your graveyard and its situational, at best sideboard it. Blue sun Zenith has no place in the deck, better to add in some cheaper scry/draw. Pristine Talisman's are nice but with the set up you're running if you add in harrows you shouldn't need the 2, however if you up your curve by adding in more expensive cards or by not taking out the useless ridiculously expensive maul splicers I would suggest leaving them in. That leads me to maul splicers, to expensive for not enough. Last but not least Titan Forge and Surge Node combo is rare to get, I've played about 10 games with a golem deck and gotten it once, it is nice when you get it but if you're playing the deck right you shouldn't need the 9/9 golems (ie: to get to three counters is really expensive without surge node so it's only worth it if you get the combo therefore don't bother with it).

The Tempered Steel is a good idea, should have fun with that.

Posted 05 June 2011 at 14:34 as a comment on Type 2 golem\splicer deck


I would add in 4x Distortion Strike and 4x Mutagenic Growth repalcing the Ascetism, Lannowars and 1 wing splicer... Basically your win condition would be building up your golems, dropping a precursor and same turn distortion strike ALL your golems and swing for a shit ton, if you have precursor out there is a huge chance your golems will all get killed but you can get a ton of burst that way. After that it rebounds so if they dont kill your golems you can rebound it and swing again.

Also the Lannowars aren't all that necessary since you're running 24 lands so I would drop 2 forests to add 2 plains. If you really felt like being naughty you could put in some Brass Heralds which could buff either artificers or golems (since artificers are always 1/1 I would suggest those..). I run a deck kind of like this, very fun to play.

Posted 05 June 2011 at 14:24 as a comment on Golem - Standard


For an elf deck I would really suggest making it mono green, the whole point of an elf deck would be to over run them on turn three or four with seven thousand hundred elves...

As it is if you add a "Caller of the Claw" you would have some defense against day of judge or any other board wipe. Also you might want to consider dropping Kahmal for "Ezuri., Renegade Leader".

I would also suggest geting rid of the silklash spider and replacing it with ezuri archers which have reach and +3/0 whenever they block a creature with flying (1 mana instead of 5). Same with canopy, although that is a much more acceptable mana cost so if you feel like you really need it you could leave that in.

Also, if you felt the need to drop black I would say in place of your black elves you could put Elvish Archdruid (2G 1 Colorless; Other elves get +1+1, tap add 1G for each elf in play) and some Joraga Warcallers (1 G MK 2; every time it is multikicked put a +1+1 counter on it, elves you control get +1+1 for each counter on it) those work nicely with the other elves you are running and if you added Ezuri Renegade leader with some cheap copperhorn scouts you could override three or four times per attack.

If you REALLY want to keep it black I would say just replace the elvish warriors with nissa's Chosen, drop in a Nissa Revane, drop the spiders and the cards that are above 3 mana for some better cheap elves that I suggested before, and add some more kill (I would suggest black sun zenith, 2 doomblades and 4 one mana discards of your choice)

Hope I helped, I have an elf deck as well, although no where near complete it still works wonders, have fun with it and if you don't mind feel free to comment on any of my decks as well. I only have one atm putting the rest in is a pain.

Posted 05 June 2011 at 14:12 as a comment on G/Black Mainly elf deck
