
93 Decks, 214 Comments, 34 Reputation

I would add: painsmith and mortar pod.

Posted 18 April 2011 at 05:18 as a comment on Glissa, the Traitor EDH


I don't like the call of mortarpod. I would however add: Pennon blade and Hero of blade hold.

Posted 18 April 2011 at 05:15 as a comment on Puresteel Paladin deck?


Overall I like it, although I don't think that carnifex demon is a good call.It is too expensive compared to the other 6 dops you have and what it does for you.

I would say ratchet bomb would be a better fit with what it seems like you are trying to do. The biggest thing is it gives you means to getting rid of kuldotha rebirthed goblins, and take out some nasty birds with swords.

That being said, how do you expect this to fair against Caw blade? Is your only answer -1/-1 counters on everything?

The other thing that might be fun with Massacre Wurm is blade of the bloodchief.

Posted 11 April 2011 at 09:15 as a comment on Sorin Markov Beats!!!


The other thought I had was painsmith, but I am not sure.

Posted 11 April 2011 at 04:54 as a comment on Glissa control


Thanks, what would you add in their place? Viridian emissary?

Posted 11 April 2011 at 04:52 in reply to #151933 on Glissa control


Well, I have a couple of ideas for you. First, you could add painsmith. This would give you the option of Mortarpodding creatures for kills. I would also replace one of your spells with corpse cur. As it will allow you to bring back your infect creatures. This is only to ensure that you that you keep a continual stream of infect creatures out, but isn't ne

But otherwise it looks good.

Posted 09 April 2011 at 22:25 as a comment on living infect


Why not add a bird of paradise or a llanowar elf for the possibility of a turn two win?

Posted 08 April 2011 at 06:15 as a comment on leg cycle


It definitely fits the bill of being stompy. Personally I would drop mimic vat for something else, one recommendation for any deck containing glissa is ratchet bomb.

Posted 08 April 2011 at 01:21 as a comment on green/black stompy


The snag is with those ideas, I am not looking to sac just for the fun of it.Mimic vat is a great card for sacrifice decks just for the reason you listed, but it isn't better than memnite +glissa.

The culling dias would give me more draw yes, but the sac has no benefit for me. The reason I have horizon spellbomb as an option for this, is that help thins my deck, and it also gives me the ability to draw. Moriok replica would give me cards faster than culling dias as well.

Kalistra Highborn only does extra damage if you have a vampire go to the graveyard.

This isn't a sacrifice deck. Its only mortar pod that requires sacrifice, and I am using that because it allows me to have any creature I control deal damage directly to a player or target a creature. This targeting ability is really nice given the notion that I can play an artifact on almost every turn.

Posted 07 April 2011 at 16:14 as a comment on Glissa's sharpshooting artillery


Maybe add painsmith, for a litte more damage and control.

Posted 06 April 2011 at 12:02 as a comment on Cruel Bloom


Perhaps add clone shell. With Glissa you can just keep playing him over and over and over.

Sorry, I don't know much about EDH in general, as I just don't know the older cards, but I am very familiar with standard.

Posted 06 April 2011 at 11:44 as a comment on Glissa EDH (Help)


Add mortar pod for your wurmcoil engine. Targeted creature kill, plus you get the tokens and the wurmcoil back same turn.

I would also drop one of your creatures in favor of Pawn of ulamog. Everytime you make a token by killing one of your own creatures, you get a eldrazi spawn.

Posted 06 April 2011 at 05:53 as a comment on Glissa Revival


How would you ever use myrsmanmith? You don't have any white sources? In addition the tokens will not proc painsmith's ability. This deck is actually very similar to one I've made. I wouldn't mind hearing your thoughts.

For your deck I would basically only remove the myr smiths and replace them with shimmer myr's.


Posted 06 April 2011 at 05:39 as a comment on Glissa Casual Deck(it's actually good)


Hey if you get a moment, could you check out a deck I just put together:


Posted 06 April 2011 at 05:31 as a comment on What your CONSPIRACY?


I am assuming conspiracy will work the same way Garruk's Packleader works. Where if you cast what would normally be a 1/1 myr with tempered steel in play, garruk's packleader will proc, because the instant the card comes into play it is a 3/3 which is when that ability checks. The wording is the same between the two cards. I would be very inclined to say it works. But I am not a judge.

(reference for the packleader.)

I also think that 20 land is a little light, based off of gut instinct alone. But the number of lands I run I usually determine based off of play testing

Posted 06 April 2011 at 05:08 in reply to #150503 on What your CONSPIRACY?


I am not sure I would. I really like where your deck is sitting at the moment. I'd say the next thing to do is to give it a try.

Posted 05 April 2011 at 17:03 as a comment on What your CONSPIRACY?


The problem with splashing white is that it hurts the mana curve A LOT. He would be removing 4 red cards and then replacing them with white. But as of right now he has no mountains in his lands. Whats more is there aren't really many good dual lands for those three colors as white isn't inbetween black and green.

Red has into the core for getting rid of indestructible artifacts. But if you want artifact control green works great. For regular control black and red have anything you'd want.

He has better options for life gain in green, with leyline of sanctity, nourish or essence warden then in black there are lifelink creatures like nighthawk vampire or child of the night.

Posted 05 April 2011 at 17:02 in reply to #150215 on What your CONSPIRACY?


Well, Yes you should, at most its going to cost you 8 life. The thing is how much life is the card you are forcing your opponent to discard going to cost you? Its your call. I would still run Kozilek because I'd be stalling for time more than anything... I mean by the time that a greater casting cost than 3 would come to be an issue I would hope to have Bala ged thief out, or be using the win con.

Posted 05 April 2011 at 07:28 as a comment on What your CONSPIRACY?


Thoughtseize looks great.

Posted 05 April 2011 at 06:52 as a comment on What your CONSPIRACY?


You don't have to run 20 lands, that is just the standard basis I reference when thinking of lands, I vary the amounts from 20...

Posted 05 April 2011 at 06:37 as a comment on What your CONSPIRACY?


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