
187 Decks, 159 Comments, 57 Reputation

Very well designed. Might I suggest akroma's memorial though?

Posted 03 November 2013 at 16:28 as a comment on ways of the samurai, BUDGET


Long time since I saw a deck worth playing here. This is deffinently of note.

Posted 03 November 2013 at 16:24 as a comment on Lotus Cobra/Infinite Combo


way too greedy. you will have lost by turn 4 every game.

Posted 31 October 2013 at 18:14 as a comment on Sorin tokens


Umbric is wrong. Perhaps he's thinking of going infinite. Training grounds helps a lot.

Posted 30 October 2013 at 20:47 as a comment on Level it UP


saw this deck through
agree that this is better. just can't find the damned like button.

Posted 30 October 2013 at 20:45 as a comment on The next level


remove rooftop storm. it is a dead card. it costs twice as much as any other spell in your deck. what is the point of casting free spells if what makes you do so doesn't even let you dump your hand?

by the time you can cast it, you have nothing to hand. the only way you could have done something with it would be drawing a LOT of cards. And by a LOT i mean black god artifact and black god itself on the table to lifeleech for drawing cards. or if you're going infinite as with Grimgrin, Corpse-Born + Gravecrawler + rooftop storm and even then you never run more than 1. If you feel the need to run something with a high mana cost, run grave titan, call to the grave or even better, Akroma's memorial. the board impact is SIGNIFICANT.

here are some examples of things that are simply, better.
Underworld Connections: actually a 4 drop unless you mana screw but lets you keep up your tempo

Phyrexian Crusader: takes down anything to a level you can deal with it. protection from two colors also makes it unblockable if you need it and definently something for the sideboard if not the main deck.

Endless Ranks of the Dead: with diregraf captain or just if the oponent can't really afford to attack? he now has to and if you can take the dammage once you will be hitting back at least equally hard and still have defenders. a card advantage like hell and a very good combo with grave crawler.

Skinrender: kills indestructable things or makes them something you can deal with. is effectivly: pay 4 mana for a 3/3 and a doomblade

Skirsdag High Priest: while not a zombie, running a deck where all your creatures are cheap and should in most situations just swing at the enemy mindlessly and most likely have deathtouch you would be trading something like liliana's reaver for a 5/5 flier that actually gets past ground defences and puts a full life oponent on a 4 round clock.

Tragic Slip: again works wonders only if something died but in an aggro deck that's usually not a problem. also a 1 mana instant that can also be used as a combat trick, letting you keep it on hand and let your opponent belive your 1 or 2 open mana is for underworld connections, thus letting you remove things at the end of his turn. also kills indestructable creatures and even all but 1 eldrazi. you need marit lage to get past this removal.

Undead Alchemist: one of my favourite cards and one of 2 real reasons most inistrad zombie decks ran blue as well. if it hits alone it makes an avarage of 1-2 tokens the first hit, the next hit when you swing for 8 it makes 4. these again multiply and even if your opponent gains life, you build an army AND mill them out, adding an alternative win condition. it also removes enemy grave crawlers, scavange creatures, and so forth because they get exiled and can't be returned to hand or the battlefield.

Call to the Grave: would be the singular most broken card in this entire deck. every turn morbid triggers and your opponent looses boardpressence AND card advantage, if he doesn't he's open to be struck by your million zombies.

Watery grave: if you run lilliana or you have an aggro deck (which you do), you may very well need to keep the tempo up not to loose the advantage, perhaps even permanently. 2 life vs not playing; cemetary reaper, diregraf captain, geralf's messenger and so forth? worth it. also can be searched for with Liliana.

Lord of the Undead: perhaps THE single most broken zombie card, arguably the best non-elf tribal lord ever made (i do not make such assumptions, but he is broken), does ghoulcallers chant's job for you for near free and does so every turn. guess what? two of him and you can do that twice EACH turn... and what more? he boosts your cheap creatures.

Death Baron: does the same as diregraf captain but you do not need blue mana.

Undead Warchief: zombies cost less. forces your opponent to use his removal or let you dump your hand the next turn. also boosting 2 power on your weenies? board impact to be sure.

Korlash, Heir to Blackblade: Your cheap nightmare / ramp creature. now the grandeur effect might not look that impressive but it thins out your deck. it also makes consume spirit easier to cast.

Lich Lord of Unx: just a token spawner. alternative win condition but if you decide to go with blue still he's well worth it. especaially if you can combo with diregraf captain or undead alchemist.

Grave pact: now you can go defensive or ofensive at will. you have deathtouch at this point and you beat your opponent with gravecrawler. he can loose a creature, then loose another creature and force you to pay 1 mana to your crawler back OR he can take the dammage. effectivly gives intimidate and a life total difference that is so essential that by the time someone draws something they can deal with it with, they'll have lost.

Phylectery lich: many people HATE this card. It's a 3 mana 5/5 indestructable zombie body. lets you re-cast gravecrawler to beat with, is imune to damnation and if impossible to get through cost-effectivly. if you use him, add 4 pithing needles or a 0-1 mana artifact you actually have use for to your sideboard and put those 8 back every time you have played 1 match.

Unbreathing Horde: HUGE creature. basically your black hydra lets you have something that beats or deffends a LOT before it goes away. card advantage or mana advantage.

Zombie Master: Possibbly nearly as messed up as Lord of the Undead. Let's you keep your creatures practically forever. good in midrange, especially curving into Endless ranks of the dead.

Zombie infestation: simple enchantment that assures you that you may at minimum have a 2/2 body in the table, triggers gravecrawler and is good WITH cravecrawler. also lets you get use of lands beyond those you need to cast spells.

Whip of Erebos: feeling you're too close to be comfy or those shocklands getting to you? one swing with lifelink makes this better. also enables a new function: doubble-racing. you can now beat with creatures you normally needed to block beacause if you gain 5 life then take 5 dammage you effectivly take zero. Also lets you re-use cards in your graveyard.

Erebos, God of the Dead: okay this guy is huge. HUGE. he makes sure you can leech opponents, draw cards and he comes in to beat for 5 or deffend for 7 in a very short while what's not to love?

Bident of Thassa: this is for if you are running lilliana and then ONLY. this is because of the doubble mana symbol. Drop the trident, activate it and watch things run into your deathtouchers.

Blood artist: not a zombie but enhances lifegain function and diregraf captain's ability. also let's you avoid more lands than you want.

Posted 25 October 2013 at 02:14 in reply to #406733 on When Zombies (Re)Rise...


Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and Consume spirit. Also watery grave and Diregraf Captain in sideboard together wil liliana of the dark realms.

Posted 24 October 2013 at 18:28 as a comment on When Zombies (Re)Rise...


Perpheros, hammer, grapeshot and glacial ray.

Posted 24 October 2013 at 18:23 as a comment on Definition of Pure Burn


your end step never happens so yes, wheel pluss sundial pluss isachron will give unlimited turns. Your opponent will never act. It's more or less the same as imprinting "Silence" and casting it at the begining of their turn every turn except they can't trigger dredge, lay down lands, etc.

Posted 22 October 2013 at 16:22 in reply to #405299 on Time Rewinder


I'm glad you liked it. The reason I suggested Azor's Elocutors was that you have so many counterspells I doupt it would ever be touched.

Temporal mastery was ment to be exiled with Elite Arcanist but I diddn't see the X cost (I was thinking of Panoptic Mirror). In which case I would suggest running Isochron Scepter instead of the Arcanist as allmost every spell you have costs two or less (going infinite = Isochron Scepter + Final Fortune + Sundial of the infinite in case you're ever in that place:P). For not infinite, but quite a few extra turns to win with, you can considder Lighthouse Chronologist, I'll also quote the his oracle here "15.06.2010 The effects of multiple level 7 Lighthouse Chronologists are cumulative. If you control two of them in a two-player game, you'll take three turns for each turn your opponent takes."
Sadly, he only levels as a Sorcery.

I understand very well Jace's Archivist though. Jace erasure works well with Read the runes or anything that makes you draw cards for that matter. It was part of a "set". The set was Jace's Archevist, Jace Erasure, Mind unbound, "any" Jace planeswalker and Blue sun Zenith.

As for Read the Runes and having mana open; Blue Sun Zenith is instant so you will ALLWAYS cast it at the end of your opponents turn and maybe leave 1 mana open for counters but you don't really NEED the re-use on it in this deck so i can see why you're a bit scheptical. If you ever decide to go for Talarand hard I recommend cycling cards without the actual cycling mechanic. Some examples are here:

And sorry for the long post but you seem like you play magic the way I often want to play magic, interestingly:P

Posted 20 October 2013 at 17:30 in reply to #405299 on Time Rewinder


Panoptic Mirror shouldn't be here. Your highest mana cost for any other spell is 3 and it's a creature. I'd add card draw or search instead.

Posted 20 October 2013 at 17:28 as a comment on Silence, Imprinted Agony


Good as a counter and deffinently worthy of note but I think you should put in some win condition. Like Time Wave or Temporal Mastery to exile and recast every turn or some milling effect.
Blue sun zenith is something I personally would take over Read the Runes any day. Putting in something like 1-2 Jace Erasure or Vaultskirge imp would do quite a bit for this deck i feel, or even Jace's Archevist.
You could put in Fog bank could deal with pesky things as could unsummoning them and countering them. Devastation Tide is also good for getting rid of things allready in the table. I'm a big fan of Lich's mirror myself and use it on the offensive but since this is a "no, you don't" deck maybe Azor's Elocutors just to be annoying?

But even with all this on how I would reforge it, you still have a solid deck;)

Posted 19 October 2013 at 15:45 as a comment on Time Rewinder


awsome deck. just add grapeshot to have instant FML hate from everyone:D

Posted 16 October 2013 at 22:41 as a comment on [Legacy]If... Unless... II Vrs


Frostburn isn't worth having dude. get the dog that boosts for 3 dmg every time you play an instant or sorcery

Posted 10 October 2013 at 02:07 as a comment on Spell Slinger Izzet (budgetish


This deck is extraordinarily well done! you may wish to add the new satyr planeswalker and a fireball or two (or the equivalent). maybe for sideboard if you meet control

Posted 08 October 2013 at 18:49 as a comment on [Modern] Little Big Soldier


Cenn's Enlistment, Oona's Grace or Spitting Image instead of trade routes.

you also need a win condition. i recommend cenn's enlistment, gideon's avanger or jace erasure. Oona, Queen of the Fae
is also a good way to mill them out AND get chump blockers

Posted 06 October 2013 at 02:15 as a comment on Lockdown Budget (~$30)


Don't use hero's reunion. it has no point in this deck and the deck is weak allready. unless you put things like voracious wurm in.

Posted 04 October 2013 at 10:14 as a comment on Selesnya Stompers


oh and "aggropro"? learn to play, then comment, and get a more humble name.

Posted 01 October 2013 at 11:57 in reply to #400551 on Battalion of Heros


This really is poorly made. it's not aggro but it doesn't want actual power or combo cards for it's own deck. sun titan can reclaim just about any card in a boros aggro deck,
balefire liege keeps you alive AND kills your opponent AND has battlefield impart big enough to make your weenies completly leathal.
akroan hopolite is an insanly strong card but it's used wrong here. just wrong. you don't spew out tokens til turn 6 and even then it goes slow so it doesn't hit hard.
since this is mostly a heroic deck legion's initiative will suicide you since it removes ALL the counters and tokens
speaking of tokens and heroics, why do you only pack 6 cards that can in any way or form trigger heroic without killing the heroic creatures in your deck? you gonna lightning helix them?

Posted 01 October 2013 at 11:56 as a comment on Battalion of Heros


Can i suggest adding grapeshot since it makes you less creature reliant and you haven't added hexproof\unblockable? or you know maybe just add artfull dodge with gemstone mine?

Posted 30 September 2013 at 23:31 as a comment on Modern Elemental Shitstorm


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