
0 Decks, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

after playtesting my own heartless big red i have a few suggestions for ya. just from the looks of this you have to much mana fixing and can get some crap hands sometimes. heartless on field with a priest and no fatty is dead card. I can see why koth is good but i run chandra for the brimstone volley 10 dmg effect. Koth makes those mountains 3/3s but i can see the -2 ability being useful when you dont have heartless. I also believe that any heartless summoning deck that doesnt run Bloodgift Demon isnt doing it right. Olivia Voladaren is an amazing 2 drop that allows you to clear a board and pump a flyer. Id suggest 2 of them, 3 bloodgift, -2 of your arc trail, -1 grave titan, + 1 balefire dragon.

Posted 17 October 2011 at 01:51 as a comment on Heartless Big Red
