breaking point

by deathtyrant5000 on 28 June 2009

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (0 cards)

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Deck Description

this deck is based around removing there creatures from the game while building up your own creatures

Deck Tags

  • Control

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 1,729 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for breaking point

I'm not usually harsh about others' decks. I really try not to be. So I'll say this nicely.
It basically looks like you got all your favorite green and white cards and put 'em together into one deck.

1. Cards you don't need (or want, due to their monetary cost) for a two color deck, or just because there's no point to them:
Birds of Paradise/Wrath of God (check the price tag)
Heroes' Reunion (Though a great card, I'm pretty sure you don't win by gaining life)
Unmake (with only basic lands, you'll have this stuck in your hand forever)
Pacifism (if you're only gonna use one, don't put it in)
Swords to Plowshares (same, but card also sucks)
The Wardens/Oracle of Nectars (seriously, if you don't have a strategy to win by gaining life, don't put these in)

2. You've got a vague strategy for this deck, and that's building up tokens. Stick with it. From what I can see here, there's no strategy, no driving force of the deck. The Planeswalkers look like they're there just for show, and the Oracle of Nectars isn't worth it in a deck where you don't have lots of lands in the first place.

3. 20 basic lands in NOT enough for a 63 card deck. Consider 23-25.

Stick with the tokens. With all this, it looks like you went haywire with immobilization, when there isn't any point to having it whatsoever except to HAVE it. If you want, make a deck around immobilization, that you can work off of. A good control deck. This is not a control deck.

Posted 28 June 2009 at 03:29


Instead of the Birds, go with Skyshroud Elf. You can buy 4 for a dollar and they'll filter any other green mana you have extra later to white for you. If you own them go with 4 copies of Doubling Season, it gets hated on fast in any deck its played. If you don't own them try for 4 copies of something like Regrowth to make sure you can get them (or anything else critical) back. It's a 5 mana spell that can make or break your deck, and every green and white deck in the world can sideboard their flavor of Disenchant. Pull Swords, Wrath, Pacifism, Prison Term for 4 Faith's Fetters or Recumbent Bliss if you think you need more control, they'll gain you a bit of life while doing their job. Pull Scion and Oracle, your massive numbers and passive lifegain will do more with less effort. Think about adding Verdeloth, and unless you want to add more copies or a way to search for them think about pulling your Planeswalkers.

I could see the Wardens being all sorts of useful to gain you some life, but the big thing you're going to see with this deck is that it just doesn't take much to shut you down, and until you get a Planeswalker out and loaded any token force can be swept clear with a single spell. Cut all the fat from it and make it as lean and fast as possible so that the other guy dies before he gets anything he can hit back repeatedly with, don't rely on the idea of lifegain to keep you around because a single Pyroclasm leaves you open to get crushed.

Posted 28 June 2009 at 08:21
