
2 Decks, 24 Comments, 0 Reputation

I do like the concept of your deck, however I suggest +4 Sedraxis Specter -4 Quag Vampires (first turn your probably gonna wanna play Crumbling Necropolis or Creeping Tar Pit) +3 Goblin Ruinblaster -4 Enclave Elite (goes with your deck theme a little better) -1 Wrexial -2 Halimar Wavewatch +4 Mana Leak (Mana Leak is the best counter in standard and it would help this deck out to have some countering ability). I hope this helped you out.

Posted 09 August 2010 at 09:04 as a comment on All your land are belong to me


Purely based on grammer this deck is getting a 4.20.......

Posted 09 August 2010 at 08:49 as a comment on All your land are belong to me


I think you might want to change your mana to around 13 swamps and 7 forest. And really though where is Maelstorm Pulse??? BG its an automatic 4 of no questions asked....

Posted 09 August 2010 at 08:43 as a comment on Open the gates...


Halimar Depths has erally good synergy with the Deprives you run as you can return it and look at the top 3 cards of your library again setting you up to draw the cards you need. I would substitute -2 Sejiri Refuge +2 Halimar Depths. Other than that I see variations of this deck all the time in Standard tournies, Mana Leak is by far the best counter in the standard meta right now. Good job 7/10. If you would be so kinda s to check out my recent deck and comment and rate that would be great!

Posted 08 August 2010 at 18:42 as a comment on U/W Control


I actually play pretty much strictly online now as I find it easier to fit into my schedule with being able to find a game at anytime of the day/night. But this deck does hold its own pretty well even against some of the top decks in standard right now. I don't think I will be splashing red again because it really just messes up the mana situation and 3 colors are hard enough to pull off, also white is really needed for wall of denial and gideon to buy me time for my combos to work. White also has great removal options in the sideboard which are needed against certain matchups. Thanks for taking the time to comment

Posted 08 August 2010 at 18:06 in reply to #79049 on The Rite to Emrakul


Cradle of Vitality would be worth a second glance in this deck as well until it rotates out of standard later this fall...

Posted 08 August 2010 at 14:25 as a comment on Standard life gain


Good job. Man I'm gonna miss the commander when he rotates out this October :(. 8/10 solid Goblin deck. Just a suggestion but maybe add 4 Dragon Fodder maindeck and move the Grotag Siege-Runners to the side board. If your opponant does not have any defenders this would give you 2 2/2 creatures once Goblin Cheftian is out as opposed to one 3/2. Voracious Dragon can really be a game changer in Goblin Decks if bby chance it gets to mid game. There is always Goblin Ruinblaster to look at as well and my personal fave goblin TukTuk the Explorer. All just suggestions well done 7.5/10. Would appreciate if you would take the time to check my deck 'The Rite to Emrakul' out if you have the time and let me know what you think.

Posted 08 August 2010 at 13:44 as a comment on Goblins


Cool concept. I think your deck needs an automatic 4 of in the form of the new Steel Overseer just released in M11. He was made for your deck! Good Job 8/10 for originality. Would love to hear your thoughts/get a rating on my 'The Rite to Emrakul' deck I just posted yesterday. Thanks

Posted 08 August 2010 at 13:28 as a comment on Clockwork Reactor


Maybe a set of Karagans if you have them for some early dragons. I too have a soft spot for dragons as my first rare I ever opened was a 4th edition Shivan Dragon. Other than that I would strongly consider filling up on the Savage Lands. Good job! Would love to hear what you think of my 'The Rite to Emrakul' deck I have put together and maybe get a rating. I give you a 7.5

Posted 08 August 2010 at 13:20 as a comment on Dragon Deck


Some Birds of Paridise and/or Lotus Cobras could help significantly with your mana. As far as lands Exotic Orchard would also help and if you ran both Seaside Citadel and Savage Lands that would give you access to all 5 colors with green overlapping making it easier to get your mana dorks into play. Hope that was of some help! Please check out my lastest deck would love to hear your thoughts on it! It fell victim to the no reason 0 vote and knocked me outta the top deck list losing its exposure :(

Posted 08 August 2010 at 12:49 as a comment on All in the Family


Thank you for your post cutting down the @$$holes who gave both our decks 0 today and knocked us off the top rated decks list. That is why I rarely, if never post on this site. I finally put another idea on here was doing good on getting comments and good ratings and on person has to ruin it all over again. I rated your deck at 8 before numb nuts screwed ya. Splinter twin could be a nice combo.

Posted 08 August 2010 at 02:19 as a comment on Vigorous Overrun


Maybe an Eldrazi Monument or 2 could be in order?

Posted 07 August 2010 at 18:11 as a comment on Vigorous Overrun


All very good suggestions, thats what I love about this deck, there are sooo many options which is awsome because it always keeps the deck fresh and fun to play. Rite of Replication to me has always been one of the most underrated 'junk' rares since its release. I really like the idea of the Halimar Excavator and will be sure to try it out. I used to run Red over White in this deck for Banefire and the red Titan would seem to work awsome for the replication. Thank you for your comments :)

Posted 07 August 2010 at 18:02 in reply to #78868 on The Rite to Emrakul


It does seem a bit vulnerable to counters though

Posted 07 August 2010 at 17:53 in reply to #78854 on 2nd turn emrakul


Well I must say im impressed, I really like the concept of your combo. I too have been playing around with ways to hard cast Emrakul ever since his release and this is one of the most original ways I have seen. Kudos to you sir. Please feel free to check out one of my inventions 'The Rite to Emrakul', I would love to hear your opinion!

Posted 07 August 2010 at 17:01 as a comment on 2nd turn emrakul


I too am running a deck with fairly similar concepts, please check mine out and let me know what you think.

Posted 23 June 2010 at 13:14 as a comment on Eldrazi beatdown


megrim would be a good addition along with possibly howling mine to make sure they keep some cards in there hand, you could look a bloodcheif ascension as well it always seem to go good in these decks.

Posted 23 June 2010 at 11:16 as a comment on Standard Discard


No Blightning? No lightning bolt? doom blade and duress in the main deck? interesting..............

Posted 23 June 2010 at 11:13 as a comment on Standard Discard


I too am currantly playing around with the idea, you have to be able to protect your piper like kaim said, ive built a deck that uses some mana ramp to help you protect your piper and still get him out at turn 4

Posted 16 June 2010 at 13:21 as a comment on the blue piper


Verdant Catacombs and Scalding Tarns are great for your Jace as well if you dont like the cards use one of those to draw new cards the next turn,

Posted 16 June 2010 at 02:35 as a comment on Sedraxis Hate(standard)


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