
1 Deck, 11 Comments, 1 Reputation

Edit 2: Added Beseech the Queen to main deck to do some searching when needed, Pithing Needle to sideboard for overall protection and Tormod's Crypt for mirror games. Still only a bit on the fence on Sheoldred since his pros seem to be a little slow for the speed of the deck.

Posted 16 September 2013 at 23:39 as a comment on Reanimate-a-ton Mono B


Red would work great againts artifacts only, but there are some Enchantments that can be a pain also. Also the red spells you suggested are sorceries, if a Tormod's Crypt was played there was nothing i could do. With claim I can just destry it at instant speed in response to it being cast as well as krosan grip, but the split second is just a bonus against blue.

Posted 15 September 2013 at 21:16 in reply to #394969 on Reanimate-a-ton Mono B


was planning on replacing the guildgates for overgrown tomb after I had most other cards since shock lands are so damn expensive. Its just a cheap replacement to get the base deck asap and than start improving on that.

Posted 15 September 2013 at 00:19 in reply to #396931 on Reanimate-a-ton Mono B


Major Edit 1: After going to my local shop and talking to some other more experienced magic players than me I was advised to forget blue (since it is way too expensive) and go with a green splash for decent defence againts hate.

Posted 14 September 2013 at 20:18 as a comment on Reanimate-a-ton Mono B


For him I youd have to add a playset of Goryo's Vengeance. An instant spell is the only way to prevent his triggered abilitie to resolv first, at least that is what I heard.

Posted 13 September 2013 at 22:40 in reply to #396805 on Reanimate-a-ton Mono B


I know reanimator B/U is alot better but just checking the prices it is tottaly out of question. Atm Force of Will is around 60 euro each, Show and tell is about the same, intuition is around 25 euro... I like magic but I cannot afford to pay so much for a single card. I even had to think a lot about buying Entomb for 15 euro each. That is as far as I can go.

Posted 13 September 2013 at 15:55 in reply to #396660 on Reanimate-a-ton Mono B


I'll swap 2 animate dead for 2 more Reanimate and see how it works.

Posted 10 September 2013 at 18:15 in reply to #395990 on Reanimate-a-ton Mono B


I wish i could use those tutors but as raginggoblin stated they are banned.
I might trade 1 buried alive for a 4th lotus petal.
About Reanimate, I do agree it is a really powerfull card to play on the first 3 turns, when I am still at a high life count, but after that loosing 7 to 9 health seems too risky.

Posted 10 September 2013 at 16:45 in reply to #395990 on Reanimate-a-ton Mono B


Keep a look on these cards for awesome combos: Fabricate, Tinker, Lotus Petal, Darksteel Forge, Mycosynth Lattice, Mox Opal, Tinker, Tolarian Academy and Skeleton Shard. You could also get some artifact lands to buff even more your Master of Etherium and help with stuff like Metalcraft and Affinity if you want to go that way.

Posted 10 September 2013 at 13:32 in reply to #395850 on help my artifact deck


Updated the deck! I liik it so far. More constructive criticism is always welcome.

Posted 08 September 2013 at 00:21 as a comment on Reanimate-a-ton Mono B


Thank you for your comment raginggoblin.
Yes I have seen around that Blue splash would make things easier but I really like monoblack for a reanimator deck. With the tests I've made this deck is fast, and in the worst case I can get a creature out by the 3rd turn... most of the times i can do it in the first or secont tho.

Things that really worrie me:
1 - Leyline of the Void
2 - Rest in Peace
3 - Planar Void
4 - Grafdigger's Cage

Now, would 4 Nevinyrral's Disk and 4 duress be viable options for a sideboard to counter these?

As for creatures you are right, I'll defenatly put some of them on sideboard (like inkwell leviathan just in case the oponent has unsummons and things like that), I'll had more Griselbrands as I get the money to buy them defenatly. what else could I use for the main deck in the place of the creatures i'll take out?

Thank you so much for the help :)

Posted 07 September 2013 at 16:02 in reply to #394969 on Reanimate-a-ton Mono B
