
14 Decks, 13 Comments, 0 Reputation

Its meant to be played with 3+ other people, so I figured that I could manage alright with the high mana curve and towards the end start dropping bombs

Posted 14 May 2011 at 03:40 in reply to #162101 on Karador, Ghost Chieftain Commander (Formerly EDH)


I like the deck and it is solid, but I would like to keep this type 2 (standard). How about ideas for the side board?

Posted 13 December 2010 at 14:46 in reply to #105372 on Spikeshot agro


Whoops, had them mixed up, meant to have 14 islands and 4 Halimar Depths

Posted 29 September 2010 at 12:06 in reply to #89291 on Unblockable Artifacts


Maybe Renegade Doppelganger or Echo Mage. Also, for defense you might consider Guard Gomazoa.

Posted 30 June 2010 at 16:35 in reply to #71828 on Copycat V2


Szadek also has a really high mana cost

Posted 30 June 2010 at 13:38 in reply to #71809 on deck challenge - standard mill.


Id sideboard a few in case there are a few things that you would rather just return instead of counter. I like them because you can return something like Halimar Depths from your side of the field so you can get the rearrange again as well as bounce something that they would play again and tie up their resources

Posted 30 June 2010 at 13:36 in reply to #71828 on Copycat V2


No problem, and you shouldnt have much trouble getting your hands on most of the stuff, nothing thats really all that rare

Posted 29 June 2010 at 17:46 in reply to #71828 on Copycat V2


I prefer mono blue over blue white. With UW you mainly remove your opponents creatures, but with U you can keep them on the field if you want to and then Clone them

Posted 29 June 2010 at 17:41 in reply to #71828 on Copycat V2


What enchantments would you be worried about? If you go mono blue you could put in enough counters so that you can just counter any problematic cards and throw in Mnemonic Wall so that you can get your counters back. Right now you only have two white spells

Posted 29 June 2010 at 17:11 in reply to #71828 on Copycat V2


Also, you could just take out the white and go with just blue control

Posted 29 June 2010 at 16:54 in reply to #71828 on Copycat V2


If you want something to fend off early attacks Id suggest Kraken Hatchling, its a good turn one defense because its a 0/4. Also, you dont really have to drop anything, you can just sideboard that way its there if you need it when going against certain decks

Posted 29 June 2010 at 16:48 in reply to #71828 on Copycat V2


Scalding Tarn is there to filter out lands so that late game you have a higher chance to draw into spells same as Marsh Flats. Why not add Liliana? Shed be good for her tutor ability. Id take out the excavators and and add Clones instead, you wont be drawing into them often enough to trigger their abilities to the point where it justifies spending mana on them.

Posted 29 June 2010 at 16:32 as a comment on deck challenge - standard mill.


Id start off by kind of cleaning up your main deck. Get some more Wall of Frosts, throw in another Pacifism, add a Cancel, drop Dispel and add Deprive and get more Halimar Depths. Get rid of Kabria Crossroads, add another Sejiri Refuge. 2 more Sage Owls would be nice. You really dont want to be running with one or two copies of of a card, you really need three or four so that you dont just chance getting one. The main thing is your lands. Id suggest splashing more white in. Theres a lot of control in white that would be really nice, like Path to Exile. Two more Clones as well and another Sphinx of Magosi. Id also suggest Glacial Fortress because it taps for blue as well as white.

Posted 29 June 2010 at 16:27 as a comment on Copycat V2
