
63 Decks, 328 Comments, 256 Reputation

oh that makes sense. i think it works with just 16 because it is such a defined jump curve, so you really only need one or two lands. i have been working on an elf warrior token deck myself and i am trying to see if i can get it to work like a stompy. either way once i post it up i think you should take a look at it. you might have some ideas and i might give you some ideas. :)

Posted 11 June 2011 at 20:25 in reply to #170400 on Elvish Hord


i tend to look at coat of arms and door of destiny as unnecessary in a tribe deck that has enough good lords, like samurai. they work great in decks without lords, or without good lords. thank you for the comment though! :)

Posted 11 June 2011 at 20:15 in reply to #170759 on What is the plural of Samurai?


i do not think you will be very happy using just 16 lands for this. 20 is the nice, safe number for most applications, and this is no exception. elvish champion and harbinger are both not as good as some other options you could have. and i do not just mean more lands. it looks like you want this to be an elf token deck and also wiggle in some stuff with warriors. there are a ton of good elf warrior token making things, or at least things that will work better with all the tokens you are planning to make. my last bit of advice is that not using elvish archdruid in an elf deck is almost blasphemy! :P

Posted 10 June 2011 at 08:36 as a comment on Elvish Hord


both ball lightning and spark elemental would be better choices for this kind of deck. if you attack with a ball lightning and then fling it for example, that is 12 damage for 5 mana. in my opinion, untamed might is pretty bad. you should try mutagenic growth or just go old school with giant growth! :)

Posted 10 June 2011 at 08:25 as a comment on Stampede


i might try out thelon just to see how it works out. thank you for the comments. :)

Posted 10 June 2011 at 08:17 in reply to #169302 on Toejam


you guys are f**king lunatics. but thank you for the comments. :)

Posted 10 June 2011 at 08:16 as a comment on What is the plural of Samurai?


i am not sure, i just never thought they were all that useful. :|

thank you for commenting though! :)

Posted 09 June 2011 at 05:14 in reply to #170051 on Nutshot


i think you should take out worldly tutor for psycothope thallid. stompy decks have got to have a way to draw cards or they will sputter out like an old car. :|

tezzeret's gambit is a good idea for both drawing and boosting your game, but even with that you need other means of draw. i would swap your llanowar elves for arbor elves. they can untap your overgrown tomb for more uses of thelon's ability. last thing is that even though he costs one more to play, garruk would make the deck twice as good if you put him in the place of thorn thallid.

by the way, i tried out glimpse of nature like you mentioned and it works very well. :)

Posted 09 June 2011 at 02:54 as a comment on Fungal Stomp V2


thank you! :) aggro of any kind is my first love, then stompy, and then tribal decks are a definite guilty pleasure. :P

Posted 09 June 2011 at 02:38 in reply to #169859 on What is the plural of Samurai?


wow i never thought about that. i should try that out. thanks! :)

Posted 07 June 2011 at 05:56 in reply to #169320 on Glimpse nothing


thank you, i appreciate you looking at this and i am glad you like it. i used to have deathspore thallid, but traded them to surewhynot. i know he has posted his fungus deck on here and i think you were theone who helped him with it. even if i still had my deathspore thallid cards, i would have a hard time putting them in the deck. these decks that we make that have two tribes are difficult to make changes to because they are sort of like two decks in one. i am proud of this deck though, it makes a lot of creatures very fast and it makes them strong very fast too. also, surewhynot has not yet made a TS deck without cheating with elves. :P

Posted 07 June 2011 at 04:15 in reply to #169302 on Toejam


counterintelligence? you might need to help me with this one. see, i am almost exclusively an aggro player, almost exclusively green, and occasionally stompy. i don't make much of a point to know deck types, i just break shit and it dies. :D

Posted 27 May 2011 at 05:41 in reply to #165526 on UBg Tempo


i get no shout-out for helping you make this? wtf? :(

Posted 27 May 2011 at 05:37 as a comment on Bittersweet Symphony


when i saw torpor orb, phyrexian dreadnought was the first thing to pop into my head. i am glad to see that i was not the only one to notice that. good deck! :)

Posted 25 May 2011 at 04:54 as a comment on UBg Tempo


mono green stompy is redundant. only mono green is able to be stompy, everything else is just aggro. :|

i like the concept here though, and there are many green creatures that would work well with this trick. i will try to think of some and let you know. i will say that phyrexian dreadnought came to mind immediately. :)

Posted 23 May 2011 at 07:15 as a comment on QUIT Torporing yourself!


i'm sure it could be done, and red certainly has many ways to make it similar to the 'frame' of a usable 10L deck.

about your deck, i can try to look at it, but i am honestly a bit of an old-school player, and am not much help on standard. still, i will give what advice i can :)

Posted 23 May 2011 at 06:59 in reply to #164879 on stomp da forest(surewhynot approved this deck) ;)


wow. that is a mean trick :O

Posted 22 May 2011 at 21:25 as a comment on Predatory Obliterator


oh of course. I just mean that the jitte is a big argument for how dumb banning skullclamp was. jitte is untouched and skullclamp is banned into the dirt? it's just dumb :|

Posted 22 May 2011 at 21:20 in reply to #164883 on Zoo, but this time with lands!


god damn it arty.

Posted 22 May 2011 at 20:47 in reply to #164767 on Alcatraz


see, this is one of my better arguments for why banning skullclamp was stupid. umezawa's jitte?! you can not tell me that skullclamp is as good or better than that thing. it deserved a block ban, but not a full ban.

great deck, all rants aside. :)

Posted 22 May 2011 at 20:46 as a comment on Zoo, but this time with lands!


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