
20 Decks, 7 Comments, 0 Reputation

wow.... this looks familiar....


Posted 21 May 2014 at 18:03 as a comment on [Standard] Grixis Control


Not a fan of Notion thief even in a control battle you're better off with Slaughter Games, Duress, Thoughtseize, syncopate, or even Negate.

I'd also personally swap Turn/Burn with Far/Away i feel like you have more kill ability with Far/Away because you can potentially kill 2 creatures turn and burn gets you 1 maybe.

Also do you have enough counters or removal cards to put enough creatures into the graveyard to find Crypt incursion useful? Do you need more hard removal like Hero's Downfall, or Doom Blade, or Ultimate price?

Magma Jet but no Lightning Strike? sure scry can be useful but i would take the 1 extra damage.

Also i would go with either Anger of the Gods or Mizzium Mortars I think Anger is likely enough.

Also i do not like Cyclonic Rift even with overload, you can use Anger of the Gods, or Drown in Sorrow to fill the same role really. Also if you have Far/Away you can not bounce at least creatures or bounce tokens to kill them. Maybe Side board the rifts. What will you really want to bounce that isn't a creature?

Just some more thoughts also i think Jace should give you enough draw, do you need Opportunity? Can you use that 1 card spot elsewhere?

Thats just what i see, i hope this helps i am trying to keep in mind we are not running the same decks but our decks both have a similar direction.

Posted 14 May 2014 at 21:26 in reply to #464595 on Grixis Superfriends


I will wait for you to update this and then make more recommendations.

Posted 14 May 2014 at 19:16 in reply to #464595 on Grixis Superfriends


I built a similar deck but with no Planeswalkers main board.


However to your question of mana; having played my version of the deck i can tell you tempo is a big thing. You do not have the health to really wait out tap lands that frequently, also using pain or shock lands like your Watery Graves or your Confluence is going to hurt more.

Your mana Symbols might lean towards blue but you should have plenty of them to Skip the Confluences and use just Islands. Taking a constant 1 each time you need a blue is going to add up and kill you in games against aggro decks (trust me i have been there).

Having just Islands gives you the color you need, speeds up your mana since it doesn't hurt you or come into play tapped.

Actually having said this i would maybe drop to 3 of each Temple, Maybe 2 of each Shock land, and then fill with regular mana. Otherwise you're going to be slow or shocking yourself to death. Unlike Blue White you do not have sphinx's revelation to pick your life total back up.

You may also want to add more burn spells, but that could be a personal preference.

I hope some of my ideas help you.

From a fellow Grixis Player,

Posted 14 May 2014 at 17:00 as a comment on Grixis Superfriends


Have you played this? How did it go? I had something similar in mind

Posted 13 May 2014 at 17:02 as a comment on Master of Control


I would consider things like Thoughtseize, maybe Duress, Counterspells Like Dissolve or Syncopate.

I think your draw power should be fine with Jace and your scry effects. But instead of bouncing creatures or tapping them, why not just straight up remove them?

Another thing if your going against a control deck having a counter in your head could be the difference of putting Phenax/Jace down or not.

I am not normally a big mill fan but i am starting to think about it.

Just some idea's

Posted 12 May 2014 at 18:10 as a comment on Phenax Mill JOU
