90 Decks, 222 Comments, 3 Reputation

drop cutthroat for captivating vampire, and gravedigger for pulse tracker and i would drop 2 kalitas and 2 blood tributes for 4 sign in bloods and blood tributes are only good with sanguine bonds i would go with tendrills or corruption or corrupt over tribute, also skeletal vampire is very costly on mana might want to rethink it, well hope this helped some

Posted 31 August 2010 at 00:35 as a comment on Re-Vamped


definitely needs removal, meaning o-rings, and maybe paths as well but at least o-rings, which i would drop souls grace for, and i dont know about transcendant master i would hate getting him mana leaked, doom bladed, or whatever else all the time, but thats just me, i like survival cache in my lifegain and honor of the pure and emeria the sky ruin could be something to think about, good luck

Posted 31 August 2010 at 00:09 as a comment on Mono white lifegain


i'd say sideboad black knight if you want it, drop bloodlord, lacerator, and everything below doom blade, blade of the bloodchief really only good with bloodghast and kalastria highborn combo, then terramorphic expanse slows it down and i would go at least 22 land, main board 4x sign in blood and probably the tendrills while you stil can, then 4x nighthawk, 4x pulse tracker, child of night if want more lifegain, and captivating vampire is like 2 dollars or something and i would put 4, mind sludge is actually in all the good vamp decks but i dont like to use it, and i like guul draz vampire not assassin but vamps are only good if you put money in them and then they stil aren't the best as much as i love them and hate saying that, well hope this short story helped =)

Posted 27 August 2010 at 03:57 as a comment on T2 Vamp Re-done


here is a legacy knight deck might wanna work in some day of judgments and sun titan would work well in it as well hope i gave you some good ideas good luck

Posted 26 August 2010 at 01:38 as a comment on Knights Honor


this would be something you could take to Friday Night Magic, but since i see holy day and sunlace and others i will try to make something else you could get ideas from but WOW i never new about sunlance it is AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME

Posted 26 August 2010 at 01:21 as a comment on Knights Honor


i think bloodghast should be in this and vengvine to if gonna go green and drop mycoloth not enough creatures to sac in my opinion and gelatinous genesis might be a good idea as well

Posted 26 August 2010 at 01:11 as a comment on Bloodthrone Slime


yeah i had them at first but i cant target them with virulent swipe so i took them out

Posted 25 August 2010 at 15:37 in reply to #82835 on Exemplary Knights


they also work really well for the bloodthrone/bloodghast combo, sac a ghast, play catacombs, bring him back, sac him again, sac the land, bring a land and him out and attack with a +4+4 bloodthrone or sac again for a +6+6, and if blade of the bloodchief is out bad news for the opponet, oh and ice lantern i want to see what you think about sideboarding hexmage or even bloodwitch maybe for some consuming vapors just for a little more removal

Posted 25 August 2010 at 15:11 as a comment on Vampires....ugh this is getting old


now the only problem is if i get a duelist in my opening hand there is no way i'll get a plains to play it first turn

Posted 24 August 2010 at 16:37 as a comment on First Strike Deathtouch (Budget)


it seems to do ok, the only thing i realized is i cant target white knight with virulent swipe, so i cut it for diabolic tutor in this one and might put stoneforge mystic in the expensive one, i appreciate the comments guys and great ideas

Posted 24 August 2010 at 16:29 as a comment on First Strike Deathtouch (Budget)


yes definitely take out the green, the only reason you would need it is naturalize or search land but thats what marsh flats is for, definitely everything useharden said, and 4 of all of them blade of the bloodchief, malikir bloodwitch maybe, pulse tracker, guul draz vampire, kalastria highborn, then feast of blood, maybe soul stair expedition, sorin markov idk just trying to help i know its just something you put together but seriously take out the green, and cut it to 60 and 22 lands if just black, good luck

Posted 24 August 2010 at 02:21 as a comment on First Vampire Deck.


awesome needs at least two emeria the sky ruin, and i would drop apothecary initiate for lone missionary and baneslayers and/or felidar sovereigns are always a plus maybe ajani's main board as well, then sideboard leyline of sanctity, war priest of thune, maybe day of judgment just in case, and o-rings are always good, actually i would cut feathers for o-rings, love the auriok champion and ranger of eos in here good job

Posted 23 August 2010 at 23:48 as a comment on Yes, I just gained life.


i would put marsh flats i know you lose 1 life but it doesn't come out tapped like expanse/wilds, so it doesn't slow down the deck, then corrupt instead of blood tribute in my opinion or mybe essence feed would go good in here, and i know you want the sword but thats what i would cut for highborn, and i like kalitas but butcher of malakir does go better with this theme, but good job i like it

Posted 22 August 2010 at 23:37 as a comment on :-) touchy vamps


yeah i was thinking about mixing a black/green and going with viscera seer / bloodthrone / aristocrat / bloodghast and then mitotic slime and gelatinous genesis etc etc, was actually gonna post it on forums as a callenge but just lazy lol might do it tomorrow

Posted 19 August 2010 at 03:35 in reply to #81480 on Blood Bank


i was trying to do something like this with a vampire theme but this totally blows mine away, i know its been a while since you probably even looked at this but just wanted to say AWESOME !!!!

Posted 19 August 2010 at 03:31 as a comment on Turn one fatty, quick kill


yeah post rotation

Posted 19 August 2010 at 03:14 in reply to #81480 on Blood Bank


I think you should drop 2 bonds and tributes and put 4 diabolic tutor instead, then drop liliana for either another sorin or nocturnus i actually think you should have 4 of him and captivating vampire just because you can lol the only other thing I would drop is assassin he's not that great in my eyes but thats just my opinion and my suggestions hope this helped, oh and consuming vapors is great

Posted 19 August 2010 at 03:02 as a comment on Vampire Deck


i agree with kaim needs emeria most definitely and sun titan would be perfect as well, then 16 lands just won't cut it, at least 22, then it kinda seems you can't make up your mind if it's allies or kor i'm sorry if i'm rude this is just my honest opinion

Posted 19 August 2010 at 00:50 as a comment on White Weenies in Standard (Wait, it's different th


i would definitely go with baneslayer or angelic arbiter over the deathless angel, i agree with survival cache, love luminarch not sigil, might as well put martial coup also, lone missionary over angels feather, and condemn or oust over journey to nowhere, just suggestions hope this helped and this might sound stupid but i love my deck with golden glow moth x4 and honor of the pure x4 and swinging with a 1/2 moth on turn 2 people hate that

Posted 19 August 2010 at 00:41 as a comment on Standard Lifegain Deck


maybe basilisk collar, grappling hook is just to high cost mana wise, i had to make a choice and chose sword of vengeance over basilisk collar, and c'mon i can bring everything in the deck back with sun titan and him back with emeria if need be

Posted 19 August 2010 at 00:21 in reply to #81328 on Kor Equipment


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