
21 Decks, 12 Comments, 0 Reputation

74 cards? seems to be a few too many

Posted 04 October 2011 at 02:09 as a comment on Zombie control


the medallions would be a nice touch, but most of the creature are two white so it would only benefit a few of them. But ya the 24 was more of a place holder.

ill probobly sideboard white knight to go agaisnt decks with black. Not a huge fan of adding unneeded protection when i could utilize something like life link, getting say 4 life here and there. Sometimes i prefer a bit of life gain in white, people seem to think of it more of a threat then it really is.

Posted 29 June 2011 at 06:55 in reply to #175818 on Knights


if with everyone else on it, it is way too risky. Doesnt have to be a lightning bolt but any removal will cause you to have a total board wipe.

Posted 28 June 2011 at 01:46 as a comment on Dare to touch my golems!!


I like the idea of using summoning trap, especially with all the land fetches. And getting 6 mana shoudlnt be too hard by turn 4, or even 3. Though i would suggest running a sac and fetch land. This will cut down on your library size, 2 cards used to make 1. Granted they are like around 10 dollars each (Misty Rainforest & Verdant Catacombs). But they arent really needed since you have so many of the big guys im sure youd find atleast two per cast.

interesting deck tho, thumbs up.

Posted 27 June 2011 at 01:32 as a comment on Eldrazi Green (Budget)


Id run fewer of the big guys, potentially adding creatures that also fetch lands like Sylvan ranger. And add creatures that tap for mana.

because yes, this deck doesnt really start going till like turn 4, which by then you could be at 10 life if you are defenseless.

Posted 27 June 2011 at 01:21 as a comment on Big Eldrazi Only.


At a stump weather to use Quest for the Holy Relic. It would work but idk what to remove if i do so, and only using 2 seems a waste considering id want it early. Anyone got any ideas or thoughts?

Posted 26 June 2011 at 23:49 as a comment on Kor equipment


To my knowledge, and wizards website, stoneforge mystic is not banned in any format.

Posted 26 June 2011 at 17:23 as a comment on White equipment


i had this deck, just not with all the Kor. But i like the idea of really low cost equips, which is what i grabbed from yours. And i love tribal decks to death because they automatically flow, usually.

but ya it would be a fun duel... though i think your deck is a bit faster. But i play more multi player.

Posted 25 June 2011 at 23:04 in reply to #174765 on Kor equipment


I agree, especially in a zombie deck where you have so many 1 and 2 drops that with buffs become amazing. You are just asking for a fast aggro deck to destroy you.

Posted 24 June 2011 at 22:03 in reply to #162498 on Zombies Everywhere!


i would run more 1 drops. I love fast zombies, especially with all the buff cards you can end up with a 5/4. And get rid of Hex, its not a may ability so if they have 3 creatures out.... you have to kill your own 3 or if there arent six out, you cant cast it because there arent enough legal targets. Use another card like life's finale if you want a board wiper, or even the more expensive damnation.

and get some festering goblins a 1/1 that when he goes to grave put a -1/-1 on target creature, essentially a 2/2 if blocked or can take out 2 creatures

Posted 24 June 2011 at 21:58 as a comment on Zombie horde 2.0


Id remove some of the big guys, you really only need one of them out. Id say go for either Kaervek or Defiler, just remove thoctar because youll probobly only get one counter on him so thats 4 damage, where you could have jsut played a creature that deals more upfront damage. Not to mention it gets you closer to 60 cards.

you dont have to stay to 60 but it very much helps your odds of grabbing what you want. A forth of your deck is over 5+ mana so theres a good chance youll get one or two opening hand, and since you dont have a way of getting rid of it, itll be wasted.

Posted 24 June 2011 at 16:27 as a comment on fun abilities of cross colouring


Using a tutor never really came across because i really only need 2 demigods out, and making a whole turn go to fetching just seemed too slow. Which is why i threw entomb in there, if i draw a demi, pay 1, put one in my grave, same turn cast. Two demis 5+ flyers, possibly having Where Ancients Tread out so doing 10 right off the bat.

this deck is a work in progress so if it gets inconsistent, i could throw a few in. Definutly going to side board pain magnification.

Posted 24 June 2011 at 15:58 in reply to #174195 on Hybrid Demigod
