Discussion Forum

Deck Challenge: mtgo

I play magic online a bit and I'm looking for a good new deck to use. The only real conditions is that it has to be mtgo classic legal and it has to win. The price should be under $60 if possible. Please submit any deck that you think fits the requirements. If the deck is hard to understand, make sure you put a description at the top. Thank you.
Posted 14 February 2010 at 22:45


This deck hasn't been tested, but there are a lot of possibilities that you can use for this deck.
It's based on phasing, a normally bad ability. hope you like it.
Posted 15 February 2010 at 15:55


I think this deck is cool. I'm not exactly sure how well it would work, but it looks fun! Thank for submitting! I'll choose a winner when I have enough decks.
Posted 15 February 2010 at 22:39
