Discussion Forum

[Bug] Voting

Hi everyone,

Just a quick message to state that i can't seem to do anything with the voting. Every decks i see don't seem to have any voting and i can't submit a score myself on someone else's deck.

I may have missed a thread already started about this, if so, i apologize, i must've missed it.

Thank you,
Posted 08 March 2010 at 20:43


Hi LordPM

The minimum number of votes for a deck atm is 5, until they get 5, it will show not enough votes. Last time I checked, over 300 decks had votes, but only a few had more than 5.

What was the deck you were trying to vote on? I've not encountered anyone not being able to vote - is the box greyed, or just not there at all?

Posted 08 March 2010 at 21:35


Not heard anything else on this - anyone else having a problem?

We have around 600 votes in the database now, so evidently it is working for some people!

Posted 18 March 2010 at 17:09
