Discussion Forum

Deck Challenge: Pauper Decks (All commons.)

My challenge to you all is: make a competitive Pauper deck!

I play online matches via MWS (Magic Work Station), and I occasionally see people asking to play "Pauper Decks". I looked it up on the Wizards of the Coast Website and found:
[QUOTE]"Pauper is a Magic format in which all cards used must have been printed at the common rarity in a Magic set or product. Other than that, the usual rules for Constructed decks apply (a minimum deck size of 60 cards in the main deck, an optional 15-card sideboard, and so on). If a common version of a particular card was ever released in Magic, any versions of that card printed at other rarities are also legal in this format.

Example: Counterspell was a common card in the Seventh Edition core set. Counterspell was reprinted in Masters Edition II with an uncommon expansion symbol. Both versions of the card can be used in the Pauper format.

Pauper banned list: Your deck cannot contain any of the following cards:

* Cranial Plating"[/QUOTE]
Here's a site with a description of good cards in the format and some really good decks.

And here's my deck titled, "Damn Good".

Good luck, and post your decks with links!
Posted 10 March 2010 at 07:31


Fun, I like pauper decks

your's looks good

here's mine

Mine is a control deck that keeps bouncing your opponents permanents (creatures, lands, whatever) and can keep on doing that forever. Carvern Harpy and momentary blink let you reuse utility creatures.
Posted 10 March 2010 at 09:44



here's mine. it's got a pretty nasty counter and control element with creatures with exalted as my attack force.
Posted 10 March 2010 at 16:02


Main Deck

60 cards

10 Forest
10 Plains
1 Secluded Steppe
1 Tranquil Thicket

4 Muscle Sliver
4 Plated Sliver
4 Sidewinder Sliver
4 Sinew Sliver
4 Spinneret Sliver
4 Virulent Sliver

1 Cenn's Enlistment
3 Holy Light
3 Prismatic Strands
4 Temporal Isolation
3 Thrill of the Hunt

2 Armadillo Cloak
4 Circle of Protection: Red
1 Holy Light
4 Obsidian Acolyte
4 Ray of Revelation
Posted 10 March 2010 at 19:49


Common Equipment It did originally have cranial plating in but I replaced those with leonin scimitars since they are apparently not legal in pauperdecks.

Note: this was my entrant in a previous common deck challenge, is it bad form to use it in multiple deck contests?
Posted 12 March 2010 at 17:09


Here's Mine. I tried going with the theme of Greater in Numbers


It's a :manag::manab: deck.
Posted 13 March 2010 at 17:43
