Discussion Forum

Rise of Eldrazi officially spoiled [link inside]

Wizards of the Coast have now officially spoiled all the cards for the new set, Rise of the Eldrazi!

All the card images can be found on the Wizards site, here!

Gary and I now have the arduous task of putting all this data into the database, but don't worry, we've already started working on this! Not sure on an ETA yet, but stay tuned, we'll announce when we are ready on the forums and via Twitter.

This will of course include card pages for each individual cards with all the images and information!


Posted 14 April 2010 at 08:24


While you're adding cards, pretty pretty please add in
> Mana Crypt
> Ravages of War
> Grim Tutor

Thanks so much!
Posted 14 April 2010 at 23:48
