Discussion Forum

19 Card Deck with Platinum Angel and Door to Nothingness

Hi, I was looking through some of the top decks available a few weeks ago and found a very interesting deck that consisted of only 19 cards. I remember that it had Platinum Angel and Door to Nothingness, and that it was only 19 cards. Does this sound familiar to anyone and could they please link me to it?


EDIT: I think it also had Phage the Untouchable and Test of Endurance.
Posted 15 May 2011 at 08:08


Uhm, wouldn't that be an illegal deck in every format? You can't just run 19 cards.
Posted 16 May 2011 at 05:26


Unless it was a deck someone started and never finished, then it's illegal as it is. You can search decks by cards in them, so I would maybe try that, see if any of the deck names look familiar.
Posted 19 May 2011 at 19:04
