Discussion Forum


is uber gay...i've known what he does since the set was spoiled, but i just caught myself sitting here looking at the card, and it just is downright not fair! i mean, a 4 drop, for a 5/5 AND he comes packing removal? which genius thought this card up? lol probably the same guy who said, "hey, lets make jtms impossibly retarded."

lol sorry, i had to rant but seriously, everyone is complaining about spellskite(another rediculous card btw) but not to much in the way of obliterator..is everyone playing permission type decks now as a solution?
Posted 03 June 2011 at 21:26


His weakness is the cc. He isn't splashable at all... lol. He is a beast in draft or sealed though... 2 out of my 4 Prerelease drafts I opened him, and he was an instant concede when he hit the table. The good thing going for him right now, is that Vampires are making a come-back, so he will see some play.
Posted 03 June 2011 at 21:40


[QUOTE=pete_h]His weakness is the cc. He isn't splashable at all... lol. He is a beast in draft or sealed though... 2 out of my 4 Prerelease drafts I opened him, and he was an instant concede when he hit the table. The good thing going for him right now, is that Vampires are making a come-back, so he will see some play.[/QUOTE]

i didn't even think of that lol. it just to me seems like he could be quite bothersome. I haven't seen what a deck with him would look like but i would imagine it would probably be some kind of u/b control? i don't know, my brain is fried though thinking about magic for 8 hours straight:eek:....maybe its time for a break:(
Posted 03 June 2011 at 21:45


[QUOTE=truegrave18]i didn't even think of that lol. it just to me seems like he could be quite bothersome. I haven't seen what a deck with him would look like but i would imagine it would probably be some kind of u/b control? i don't know, my brain is fried though thinking about magic for 8 hours straight:eek:....maybe its time for a break:([/QUOTE]

8 hrs? That's nothing. I work 12 hour shifts and I do absolutely nothing at work. So I spend all 12 hours trolling around the forum thinking about deck ideas and magic... lol. I really wish the forum was more active though, so I would have someone to talk to... lol. I find myself rehashing old threads. lol.
Posted 03 June 2011 at 21:51


He came from a block that has two answers for him at instant speed that do not cause his ability to trigger (Go for the Throat and Dismember, one of which can be run in any colored deck). He can also be hit with a Beast Within, unsummoned with Vapor Snag, Unsummon, or Jace, the Wallet Sculptor. He can be tapped down with Tumble Magnet, or given a -1/-1 counter with a clasp and have it proliferated. I mean, there are just so many answers for him (for heavy proliferate decks, there's also Vindicate Cannon), that he's not that big a deal.

When I first saw Obliterator I was totally sold on him, until I proxied up my planned MBC deck. He was awesome and completely underwhelming at the same time. He hasn't seen any serious, competitive play, and he won't as long as Jace and Stoneforge's are in standard.
Posted 11 June 2011 at 11:35
