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worst legendary creature ever

In your opinion, what is the worst legendary creature ever printed. There have been some pretty bad ones (almost all of homelands comes to mind) but Eron the Relentless has to be the worst of the bad.

Care to share your thoughts?
Posted 10 June 2011 at 01:14


Worst? I don't know. There are quite a few that are legendary that are over costed "Vanilla" creatures. I'm thinking Isamaru, Hound of Konda has my vote though. While a 2/2 for only :manaw: is good, the fact that it's legendary kinda makes it pointless to have in a deck.
Posted 10 June 2011 at 06:55


Oh, and Eron is far from the worst. Sure he's not good, but at least he does something. I mean look at Barktooth Warbeard... A 6/5 for 7 mana that has no abilities at all...
Posted 10 June 2011 at 06:59


Yep, like Pete said, look at some of the original Legends set cards. White/Green for a 2/2 with no abilities. Awesome.
Posted 10 June 2011 at 07:04


Isamaru?! When this guy was in Standard back in the day, he was considered one of the best legendary creatures ever printed. He's still insane for a mono-white EDH general actually. Shame on you -_-

No, worst Legend EVER is Untaidake, the Cloud Keeper. It's just so...useless.

Worst legendary creature though...Kasimir the Lone Wolf hands down is the worst legendary creature ever printed. Worst creature ever printed is probably Viashino Skeleton.
Posted 10 June 2011 at 08:06


ok, the lone wolf is worse. But not by a lot. I would also say that Isamaru was a very decent legend. Also, i'd rather run a playset of viashino skeletons than a single cavern crawler. Death knell kami is equally horrible.
Posted 10 June 2011 at 09:17


i don't know if they ever reprinted him, and if they did, def don't know if they made him legendary but, colossus of sardia i thought was pretty stupid. 9/9 9drop with trample....sounds fair right? except it costs 9 again to untap him.
Posted 10 June 2011 at 13:29


[QUOTE=surewhynot]Isamaru?! When this guy was in Standard back in the day, he was considered one of the best legendary creatures ever printed. He's still insane for a mono-white EDH general actually. Shame on you -_-

No, worst Legend EVER is Untaidake, the Cloud Keeper. It's just so...useless.

Worst legendary creature though...Kasimir the Lone Wolf hands down is the worst legendary creature ever printed. Worst creature ever printed is probably Viashino Skeleton.[/QUOTE]

I remember him getting all kinds of hype back in the day, but that doesn't change my vote. lol. Plus, I don't play EDH, so I didn't even think about that...
Posted 10 June 2011 at 16:45


[QUOTE=surewhynot]Isamaru?! When this guy was in Standard back in the day, he was considered one of the best legendary creatures ever printed. He's still insane for a mono-white EDH general actually. Shame on you -_-

No, worst Legend EVER is Untaidake, the Cloud Keeper. It's just so...useless.

Worst legendary creature though...Kasimir the Lone Wolf hands down is the worst legendary creature ever printed. Worst creature ever printed is probably Viashino Skeleton.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=truegrave18;25164]i don't know if they ever reprinted him, and if they did, def don't know if they made him legendary but, colossus of sardia i thought was pretty stupid. 9/9 9drop with trample....sounds fair right? except it costs 9 again to untap him.[/QUOTE]

He was reprinted. He was in 4th, 5th, 10th, Antiquities, and ME 4. None of which was he ever a legend.
Posted 10 June 2011 at 16:54


I hate Norin the Wary maybe its cause I see no potential for it, but I think it suck out loud. Sorry for Fans but I dislike the card.
Posted 12 June 2011 at 05:23


I always thouht Norrin the Wary was the most pointless card ever printed, until I played a Norrin the Wary deck. I changed my mind after that. Really quickly too.
Posted 12 June 2011 at 19:01


What's so bad about Eron the Relentless? He has power equal to his mana cost, and two abilities to boot. Most older legends couldn't boast nearly that amount of efficiency. Consider that Daughter of Autumn, Hazduhr the Abbot, Irini Sengir, Rashka the Slayer, and Veldrane of Sengir were all printed in the same set. Eron seems much better than any of these cards, never mind the vanilla legends from Legends.
Posted 13 June 2011 at 22:18


at two toughness eron is a wimp. Sure he has haste, but after paying for him to come out you probably won't have the mana to regen him, and what is the point of having regen at RRR. It all boils down to opinion, as I said there are many terrible terrible legends in homelands, but for my money Eron is the worst.
Posted 14 June 2011 at 15:51
