Discussion Forum

Deck list/search by estimated value

Don't know if this have been asked or thought of before, but I for one would like if the top list aswell as dech search could been separated by the estimated deck values. That would help alot new players who have a budget on ideas on how to make an interesting and fun deck while still not spending hundreds of euros/dollars/pounds.

A future plan for example could be to divide the top list into several ones, divided by the average cost I.e below 50 $, 50 - 75 $, 75 - 100 $, 100 - 200 $ and over 200 $ or something. The same things could be a "thicked" option when you search for random decks.

Posted 11 November 2011 at 15:26


Yes, something like this is the plan! I want to do a lot more with prices in the future as they can be quite a useful building tool for those on a budget! :)
Posted 01 December 2011 at 09:00
