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Card Help!

Hey all,

I'd like to start on my next deck, but I'm at a loss for my knowledge of many cards which would fit the theme. I'm asking everyone for a bit of help. I'd like to keep it at least modern, but if it turns out awesome, I'll want to try and find a way to make it standard to play it at a FNM.

Here is the request.

The deck will not necessarily be tribal so I would like a list of self mutilating mutual destruction cards (affecting both you and your opponent) or cards which pose an extreme risk playing them like Treacherous Pit-Dweller.

For convenience link http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewCard_Popup.aspx?CardName=Treacherous%20Pit-Dweller&Edition=AVR&Print=1

I played a draft this weekend and used this card and a few other demons/devils/vamps partnered with some burn. It was really fun to play, but being a draft, it was no where near what it could be.

I started the draft going mono red (quick creature + burn). After facing a green + blue deck, I actually took my all black sideboard and subbed it in with awesome results using Dark Impostor for removal and Bone Splinters. My deck had a hard time dealing with first strike creatures and flying (I believe can be fixed).

I love abilities on creatures that cause mayhem removal and are hard to deal with. Thanks in advance and I'll post the deck when I finish it. Also, if you know of cards that work well with a card you post to prevent the damage done to you, feel feel to add that with a comment of the combo. I know this would be a long list so leave out legacy.

Posted 18 June 2012 at 01:33


Anyone? I don't need a whole list. Just any that you all know off hand ^^
Posted 27 June 2012 at 03:59


you should have posted this in the 'Standard Legal Deck Development' section because all the cards you name are new cards. I can't help you because I no longer keep track of new cards unless they are relavant to legacy tournament play.

I get you wanting to play a suicide deck, but a card like Treacherous Pit-Dweller is a bit to suicidal for my taste. I mean it might be playable in an extreme control shell where you need a low casting cost beatdown guy to finish your opponent while you counter everything he plays. But I don't know if control is good in modern or standard. Last time I checked there was no control in modern, only combo and aggro. One of the reasons is that there is no card draw in modern worth a damn, all good carddraw is banned.

good luck
Posted 28 June 2012 at 12:30
