Discussion Forum

Ninja/Zombie deck

Has anyone ever thought of doing one? How would you do it? Was thinking rise from the graves for the Ninjas to get them out as zombies when they head to the grave. Using a Fleshbag and tokens to get by and then Ninjistu. I dunno if it'd work, but just asking you fine folks for ideas~! Thanks for your thoughts and input~!:D
Posted 15 September 2012 at 19:19


Where's the synergy between zombies and ninjas or is this just a theme based concept like I want to make a deck with dwarfs and goats? :)

Ninja's usually go well with come in play effects and low mana cost creatures with evasion. For instance Augury Owl seems like a good synergy. He has flying so he's more likely to remain unblocked, has low mana cost so you can get him out fast and has a good come in play effect.

I looked for some zombies with a come in play effects

Anathemancer seems ok in long multiplayer games
Armored Skaab seems sweet if you can abuse the yard
Geralf's Messenger seems pretty strong to abuse

Might be ok to combine these with a few Okiba-Gang Shinobi
Posted 17 September 2012 at 11:28
