Discussion Forum


First of all, I would like to say thank you for the site, I find it incredibly useful, and fun, I've been using it for quite a while to organize, gather, and keep up with deck ideas.

That being said I had a couple ideas, one is, I use this site to build and keep up with decks, because honestly I just prefer this site, however mtgdeckbuilder.net has a very useful function on its deckbuilder, that allows you to test your deck. If you were to implement an aspect similar to this, I would cease to use mtgdeckbuilder.net altogether, and only use mtgvault.com. I would like to be able to do this.
My second idea, is if you do implement the deck testing function, you could then improve the system to then add a deck challenge system to this site. If you do, I believe you would have an overwhelming increase in members. I for one know that I would recommend every friend I have that plays magic to this site.
Posted 16 October 2012 at 09:32


Hello, thanks for the compliments and the suggestions! We're currently working on a new version of the site, our priority is speed and letting people build decks a lot quicker. Once we have launch we'll be getting together a list of new features to add, playtesting is an area I'm interested in but Wizards don't like people doing something so we have to tread carefully! Anyway, I'll keep you in mind! :)
Posted 17 October 2012 at 19:32
