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Best Mill You Did See

I was playing a game of EDH with my friends. One of them played a [CARD="http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=190556"]Hive Mind. He was going to play a spell with an epic ability next turn. I wasn't going to have that. On my turn I wanted to troll him so I played [CARD="http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=83807"]Copy Enchantment for :mana2::manau: copying his [CARD="http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=190556"]Hive Mind. folowed by [CARD="http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=4492"]Paradigm Shift for :mana1::manau: so everyone played it twice then I passed turn. I ended up exiling almost 500 cards for :mana3::manau::manau:. This made me wonder what other stupid mill combos like that are out there. Anyone?

Posted 25 October 2012 at 03:14


lol, nice one.

In my experience games usually end quickly once someone thinks its cute to play Eye of the Storm or Hive Mind in EDH. Usually a bunch of mistakes are made, especially in multiplayer because things get insanly complex. Doesn't happen often but it's always good for a good laugh :)

Paradigm Shift is a strange card to play, in this case it was killer but I imagine it's something you usually don't play until very late in the game. There are better options out there like Time Spiral (which granted is a wee bit expensive these days if you don't have in lying around)
Posted 25 October 2012 at 07:13


Hive Mind usually is fun... It really changes how people play which makes things pretty funny.

I once cheated in a Curse of Echoes (Hive Mind curse) off another player's Warp World onto a player whose entire deck is counterspells and card draw to get into his combo pieces. He could no longer counter anything since everyone just copied his counterspells to counter his counterspells. He ended up killing himself with card draw with some help from me... My islands were tapping for 3 thanks to his extraplanar lens and gauntlet of power. He did a blue sun's zenith for 10 or so. I happened to have a Mischievous Quanar in play with tons of mana thanks to him. Used my copy as well as made several more copies to make him draw his library to death.

I also had an Omnath EDH deck that was pretty obnoxious. One game I had a bunch of tokens in play and an Omnath that was over 200 power thanks to a lot of mana due to a Seedborn Muse. I cast an Overwhelming Stampede to make all of my stuff 200 power bigger and swung for lethal at the table. Of course, someone fogs. Second main, I cast Altar of Dementia and sac a few tokens to kill everyone anyway.
Posted 25 October 2012 at 08:17


and that's why EDH is fun :) so many insane plays!!! Can you imagine doing this back in the beginning days of magic when everything was simple, liniar and looking back at it now quite boring.
Posted 25 October 2012 at 09:07


Some of the lands in my version are proxied, but I launched a turn zero (before he took his turn) Brain Freeze for about sixty-seventy some cards with this deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=399856. I've never heard someone so Catholic say stuff that rude before or since doing this. Hilarious. It was a God-Draw, I know (two Elvish Spirit Guides, Two Glimpse of Natures, and three 0-cost guys), but it was awesome.
Posted 28 October 2012 at 18:55


[QUOTE=Feral2k]Some of the lands in my version are proxied, but I launched a turn zero (before he took his turn) Brain Freeze for about sixty-seventy some cards with this deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=399856. I've never heard someone so Catholic say stuff that rude before or since doing this. Hilarious. It was a God-Draw, I know (two Elvish Spirit Guides, Two Glimpse of Natures, and three 0-cost guys), but it was awesome.[/QUOTE]

Too funny... "Ever wanted to beat your opponent before he takes a turn without shelling out thousands of your hard-earned $$$ on a deck that you can't even play in any tournament ever?" That deck is over a thousand dollars because of the lands and proxies aren't tournament legal. I'll post some suggestions in the deck to avoid going too far off topic.
Posted 29 October 2012 at 11:29


Since he counterspells own copy for everyone to respond to him counterspells counter anymore. Eventually he kills himself some help from my card lottery. Challenge the power of his extraplanar lens and thanks to my island was eavesdropping. He was the climax of the sun 10 by blue. Tons of gratitude and I Mana plays prank Quanar occurred. My copy, as well as made several copies of the library to be able to draw him to death.
Posted 05 November 2012 at 09:57
