Discussion Forum

Custom Profile Deck Filters

I quickly scanned the other threads and didn't see this suggested so I guess I'll suggest it.

Would it be possible to get custom filtering/folders for our decks? I currently have over 20 decks and can sort them by date, name, colors, etc but that really isn't that useful, especially once that number gets much higher like a lot of people on here have.

Some of my decks are real paper ones I've put on here, some are deck challenges from the site, theorycrafting, draft simulations, etc... I would like to be able to organize them better than a basic sort of dozens of decks.

Customizable folders or filters for our personal deck pages would be extremely useful.
Posted 29 October 2012 at 11:51


Hello, thanks for the suggestion, we're going to try and solve this issue in v3 by adding the ability to tag your decks with your own keywords. You will then be able to filter your decks by keyword so in your case you could tag one of your challenge decks with the keyword "challenge deck" or something and then easily find them by filtering on this keyword.

This feature will be available when we launch v3 and then we will work on this afterwards to add more functionality such as groups/folders and the ability to sort by legality maybe was an idea I'd had...
Posted 30 October 2012 at 09:56


Sounds good. Any ETA on that update? Some of the other posts are suggesting it should have been released by the end of the summer a few months ago. I get that coding can be a pain and I'm not too worried about it but figured I'd ask about an ETA.
Posted 30 October 2012 at 11:40


Hopefully sometime in November... Taking longer than we though to be honest, we only do this in our spare time and there's not a lot of that available nowadays! :P
Posted 30 October 2012 at 11:45
