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Wow, haven't looked up the prices of cards in a while; I had a couple thragtusks i was putting in a deck, looked up to see how much they are worth now, as the first time i checked when it first came out it was like 10 dollars, 25 dollars now...That went up... Think it will stay that high or drop down when it drops out of standard? I can only imagine it went up so high because of how much it's used in standard right now, people are eating that shit up in their decks right now.
Posted 11 December 2012 at 07:59


They've already mentioned one of the next sets will have a "counter" to Thragtusk since it is stronger than intended. The value will drop as soon as that counter card is spoiled. It will likely still stay reasonably high though since it's a powerful card regardless.
Posted 11 December 2012 at 09:29


Hate against a particular card or deck is usually far less effective then intended so they'll remain to do well in price until they rotate or are reprinted. In all fairness though Thragtusk is a pretty crappy card (worth lets say 3$ in the long run) that is very simular in function to Kitchen Finks but costs 5 instead of 3 making it far worse.
I'm not saying it won't see play outside Standard and maybe Modern but it will be as a one off and will not be popular. It's for instance ok in the legacy deck Nic Fit (also called Green Sun's Zenith control) with for instance Recurring Nightmare. A deck that can both control an opponent and mana ramp real fast.
Posted 11 December 2012 at 11:00


It really depends on where they go with it. Reprinting a Torpor Orb like effect would shut it down pretty hard. It's probably too soon to be doing that though so perhaps some form of stax control. A reprint of Tainted Aether would do it as well. An entirely new effect would be preferable but probably not as strong as it needs to be as you said though.

I should have said in Modern and Standard in that last post. It will definitely lose significant value when it rotates out.
Posted 11 December 2012 at 11:47


Thragtusk is a neat card, but i don't think it's 25 dollar impressive, maybe if it cost 4 to cast i would like it a lot more, but it's neat and fits for what i need it for in a deck. I def feel it costs (casting cost) wayy to much for what it does to be so talked about and used much. I'm running 2 in a deck actually right now and i doubt very much i'd want to add more than that, he is pretty good against field destroys and the life gain is cool but there are better ways to achieve that...maybe not in standard but then again i don't really play standard much.

and hmm a counter to it huh, it'll probably be it's 25 dollar counterpart to it haha

do you really think it'll drop to 3 dollars in the long run all the way from 25?
Posted 11 December 2012 at 15:09


It's entirely possible. The value is almost entirely due to being one of the most powerful creatures in standard right now. It's not really "good enough" for legacy and once it rotates, it will only see play in Modern where it's already up against better creatures.

As an example, Sword of War and Peace peaked at $45-50 and is now around $10-12 because it rotated out.
Posted 11 December 2012 at 15:18


[QUOTE=_Epsilon_]It's entirely possible. The value is almost entirely due to being one of the most powerful creatures in standard right now. It's not really "good enough" for legacy and once it rotates, it will only see play in Modern where it's already up against better creatures.

As an example, Sword of War and Peace peaked at $45-50 and is now around $10-12 because it rotated out.[/QUOTE]

Almost makes me want to sell them and make a quick 40 bucks and just go get a fatpack haha i probably wont tho, i like them being in the deck they are in, don't wanna mess with that right now...

and WOW war and peace really went down that far?? i thought it was still up around 30 at least. It seems that only fire and ice stayed up in price, glad i own one still, it's def. my fav. sword out of the bunch.
Posted 11 December 2012 at 15:28


If you don't need a particular standard card for tournaments or FNM events sell it and buy it back a few months later. With very few exceptions you will 99% of the time come out with profit. I don't do this often as I don't know many standard players, and I usually just don't bother but I do remember selling my Baneslayer angel and buying a playset a few months later for the same price. It just made sense.
The exceptions would be Thoughtseize (and even that one never really went up, it just didn't go down), Jace 2, Tarmogoyf but cards like these are rare exceptions to the standard = expensive rule.
Posted 14 December 2012 at 09:57


Yea I thought about selling them but just didnt want to at that moment, when the new jace just came out it was worth like 40 dollars and i pulled one, i considered selling it, but decided not to as well, I just pulled another one and looked at the price, haha went down to 20 now
Posted 14 December 2012 at 17:10


When Jace 2 got banned in Standard (and was already banned in modern), which was around the time Liliana of the Veil was peaking at >40$ I traded away my Liliana of the Veil + 20Euro for 2xJace The Mindsculptor :) lol
Now I have 4 Jace the Mindsculptor and have been playing 4 ever since in legacy tournaments. Standard players are funny :)
Posted 17 December 2012 at 09:29


[QUOTE=Seth] I traded away my Liliana of the Veil + 20Euro for 2xJace The Mindsculptor :) lol

=0! I need to find some hardcore standard players here for deals like that. Liliana is cool and all but she's no mindsculptor.

I'm gonna keep this in mind everytime a new set comes out and when i pull the new really expensive card i might have to roll to the nearest card shop and check out what the no longer standard cards the standard players are willing to give up for it =p
Posted 18 December 2012 at 01:47


This may be the standard answer to Thragtusk...


Who knows if it will be enough but it's likely going to be a bomb in multiple formats. It will definitely help decks race Thragtusk though without the huge life gain.
Posted 03 January 2013 at 08:20


They could have made it a rare at CC :manar:, its still more narrow then lightning bolt but highly competitive in all formats. At Converted CC 2 it's not going to see much play in the long run. Its like I said a weak situational card to fight a very good allround card.
Posted 03 January 2013 at 14:10


Lifegain is actually rather out of hand right now (in standard) so it's a pretty fairly costed spell for decent damage and an awesome effect. Making it cost R would be extremely OP for the effect or even just letting it target creatures at 1R would be too strong for standard.

I think this is extremely playable in standard and Modern. It may even see some SB play in legacy burn decks.

They aren't likely to create another lightning bolt any time soon. 3 damage for 1 is very strong and giving legacy/vintage access to 4-5 different versions of it would be too much.
Posted 03 January 2013 at 14:24
