Discussion Forum

The Gathering Grounds

Hey everyone, I have been using this site for a while now to get ideas and learn the ins and outs of deck construction, and just now decided to register. I know most of us use MWS as a platform to test and play against each other online. The only problem I see alot of us having is, there is no friendly space to test decks. Most experienced players on MWS are short, rude, and blunt, as well as pack a slight attitude. For us casual players it takes the enjoyment out of playing when you get a rude/egotistical partner. Hell, half the fun of MTG is socializing. Very rarely will you get a friendly player you can get along with, and is into actual "Testing" and getting better.

As a result of this issue, I have created a private group on Skype named "The Gathering Grounds" for any casual/friendly players that want to test decks, improve strategic skill and decision making, and have an all around good time playing an extremely fun game. The major advantage of this is, playing with skype enabled makes everything MUCH easier to communicate than typing in MWS. It also limits the amount of "Asshole-ness" one experiences.

We have a few members right now, as we just started. If anyone here is interested, feel free to PM me about it and I'll get you an invite out. What can you lose? It's free lol.
Posted 26 March 2013 at 13:46


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