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Deck Challenge - Sorta...

I have the following cards, at the moment, looking to get more of some, and the deck needs to be trimmed down... a lot...

Jace Beleren x2
Liliana Vess x2
Time Warp x1
Traumatize x3
Haunting Echoes x4
Twin Cast x4
Mind Shatter x4
Mind Spring x2
Memory Erosion x2
Hypnotic Specter x4
Howling Mines x1
Underworld Dreams x4
Drowned Catacomb x3
Jwar Isle Refuge x2

The following I have 4 of:
Spell Book
Diabolic Tutor
Essence Scatter
Mind Rot
Tome Scour
Into the Roil
Reckless Scholar
Sign in Blood

Im working on a deck with all these cards, It doesnt work well with them all, so I need to trim it down, but every time I manage to take something out I feel I am missing too many creatures or I need more counter spells, or something like that, so I need to balance it out. So any help would be well appreciated. :D

So the semi-sorta deck challenge is to make a deck with these cards, it doesn't need to have them all in it, it could have a combination of some or it can have them all in or it can also include other cards that you think would work well with a black / blue discard deck. Trying to keep it standard. Thanks.
Posted 07 January 2010 at 02:21


I'm working on mine right now, very similar.


It's been a while since I messed with the list, but I get the cards tomorrow so i'll finally get to start playtesting.

One thing is you definitely do not need 4 Haunting echoes.
Posted 07 January 2010 at 08:20


Well, possibly and possibly not, if you have 4 Haunting Echoes you can pop one as early as you can and if it gets countered you don't really have to worry, they think they are safe but you have 3 more. :D
Posted 07 January 2010 at 12:44


but isn't that the point of twincast + your counters?

Also, duress against a counterdeck is wonderful. Either fishes a counter for 1 mana, or lets you pick one out and see their hand.
Posted 07 January 2010 at 12:48


I use twincast for what ever I need it to be used for, Duress, Tome Scour, Negate, Cancel, Mind Rot, Mind shatter, or if I happen to have enough Mana Traumatize. That only happened once while play testing this Huge deck.
Posted 08 January 2010 at 16:34



I've managed to trim it down to 68 cards, though I think I might swap negate for diabolic tutor.
Posted 10 January 2010 at 14:45


You can't expect to win games packing nothing but hand disruption and Haunting echoes/traumatize combo. Or have a deck that plays everything at sorcery speed except 4 cancel and 4 negate, then hope to ride it out on the back of a specter with your mana sitting there doing nothing and just keeping open for cancel.

If you want a slow strategy to work you need to be able to defend yourself. Getting rid of their creatures is a priority because they will kill you before you kill them with your megrim strategy.

Also the mill/discard strategy is wrong. I'm very much in favor of building in alternative win conditions but playing just a bit of mill on the odd chance that it will win you the game is a waste of cardslots.

this is what you can dump

2xReckless Scholar
4x Cancel
1x Negate
4x Twincast
2x Haunting Echoes
(4x Mind Rot: I think it's bad but it fits your deck)
2x Mind Shatter
4x Traumatize

That opens a lot of slots. Now go online and look over all the possible T2 cards with Black and/or Blue in their manacost. Put in more creatures, put in 8 spot removal cards, look at Bloodchief Ascension which is really nice with specters, etc...
Posted 11 January 2010 at 13:05
