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Green/White Serra Angel deck build needed

I've been out of the Magic scene for quite some time now(and my deck building skills are quite lacking) I have been keeping up in partial by playing every year's Digital version of the game on PSN. I am currently without any cards, so I was looking for someone to find/make a good, competitive :manag: / :manaw: Angel deck. By stating my lack of cards, I mean I will be purchasing singles offline if the deck is feasible enough for competitive play.
My primary focuses are swarm and/or lockdown. With swarming, I like my Creatures to have the ability to get pretty beefed up. A decent side board, if applicable would be nice, and I will let you guys nit-pick at builds I can merge ideas and see if what I come up with out of it is good enough to compete.
Thanks in advance.
Posted 23 July 2013 at 09:10


Also, deck size 40-60 would be nice. Only about 4-6 high-cost creatures(high being 6-7 I think). Enchantments and the like that give flying in addition to +/+(I can't remember the name, but there is one in the 2014 game). Vigilance and flying, lifelink. They're usually what I like fore abilities. I'm not sure what Green creatures help out angel decks, but I'm aware G/W is a pretty good mix still. If another colour needs to be added to make this deck great, I'll give it a shot, but I'm trying to keep it at a solid two.
Posted 23 July 2013 at 09:16


If you want to play angels, a blue white deck might actually be best. Warden of evos isle is a new blue card that makes all fliers cheaper, and that would be great with cards like serra angel. You could use green also for more ramp if you'd like, especially when WGU is one of the best combinations. Staples in the colors are voice of resurgence and sphinxs revelation, but they are rather expensive and not totally necessary. Ill throw together a cheap, competitive bant angel list tonight when I have more time and post it here. :)
Posted 23 July 2013 at 21:45
