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Guidance needed. (tl;dr: I suck at standard constructed, please help! lol)


I am what you would call an "on again, off again" magic player. I enjoy playing the game more than I enjoy most things, but I find that I get burnt out on the game quite often; sometimes in as little as two to three weeks. I have been examining my process of gaming as well as my circle of "cohorts" to figure out why. In doing this, I have not discovered an answer, but developed a secondary yet equally important question..."Why am I so bad at Constructed?"

Now I realize this thread started out in a way that was misleading, but it seemed necessary to express my state of mind at the time of mentioned realization. I have entered several tournaments and drafts, as well as played numerous casual games and this one fact is always apparent. I usually (not always) finish top 3 in drafts and occasionally finish on top. I have a decent EDH deck that I have spent years perfecting and enjoy playing. Yet one format always alludes me, Standard Constructed.

I understand that metas are always a key factor and I realize that the good decks are those running the Snapcaster Mages and the Voice of Resurgence (by this I mean the known powerhouses). With that said I find myself having a point of view that disregards this fact and wants to build something original, something not yet thought-up, something purely my design. And this usually [always] ends up narrow minded whilst battered and bruised much like my ego.

I have deduced that this is likely the reason for my abrupt displeasure in the game I much adore. Again I apologize for the rant and for anyone who did read it and wishes to give me some advice on the format, please feel free and Thank you once again.


P.S. My current idea is RWU token gen
Posted 24 July 2013 at 00:39


Quite honestly it is incredibly difficult to be both original and effective in standard.

Step 1 is balance between niche cards and staples. Whenever I make homebrews I take a card that is usually considered bad, and use "good" cards to support it and make it better. You have to balance originality with conformity to make your deck both new and effective. After all, staple cards are considered staples for a reason.

The next thing to consider is hate. What cards are currently dominating the format, and how do I beat them? Finding ways around the top decks or ways to nullify their playstyle will make winning so much easier. Sideboarding is especially important here, but maindecking strategies that can either go beyond or completely halt the enemies progress is much more effective.

Lastly, and most importantly for original standard decks, is go big or go home. Make them fun. My current decks are RUG Hydra Tribal, an orzhov human servitude deck (AKA Destroy all Humans :p), a really janky GW lifegain, and a possibility storm combo deck. NONE of these decks are as good as jund midrange, and I have only minimal faith in them at fnm. However, when they do win, it is the most satisfying thing in the world. Nothing says success like getting a $500 deck to -50 life with a $40 mess, or gaining 200 life in one turn without a boros reckoner or thragtusk in sight, or permanently preventing your opponent from casting spells. Basically, you will have more fun if your deck is fun to use. I always play against the meta, and I know that that isn't the way to win every time. But when I win, I win by a lot (and I still win more than I lose). Going over the top in interesting ways is what keeps it interesting for me.

I hope this helped at least a bit. This all works for me, hopefully it can keep the game fun for you too. :)
Posted 24 July 2013 at 02:18


I think you're crazy playing standard to begin with, it's clearly not a good format for you and its only natural that you're frustrated. You have a very limited set of cards so it's obvious that pro players with entire testing teams will identify what is worth playing and what is not weeks before a set is even fully spoiled to the general public.
This is not an environment to be origenal in, this is an environment to take a well tested deck and learn to pilot it to the best of your ability because even that takes a lot of time. If you play it well you will perform well.

What you need is to play legacy tournaments, it's such a slow moving format that cards that are clearly good take months to break through. They are now finally playing Jund in Legacy, years after it was popular in standard. And it moves in slow cycles where cards are popular for a long time and then they are not but they will be again, they always do.

Anyway, it's a format with tons of sleeping staples that no one cares about, changes are very slow, the meta is wide open and there's so much opportunity to brew and metagame. Meta's differ from place to place. I know guys that have been brewing, perfecting and playing the same deck for years.
Due to rotations that just isn't possible in standard.
And even if it costs you 5000$ to buy into legacy these days it will still be cheaper then playing competitive standard for a number of years. All my legacy cards (and I have 99% of all staples) go up in price every day, have been for years. It's better then money which goes down in value every day.
Also it's always the same guys that win, not because they play superior decks but because they are superior players, luck has very little to do with it. If you're good and dedicated it pays off.
Posted 24 July 2013 at 07:31


What the other people said here...

Anyway something intresting i learned from watching pro tours etc was this:

There will always be decks that will be laughed at and/or are never featured by the stream. 6 months ago i think i was watching a stream when the commentators mentioned someone won in round 4 both games. With Rancor and Fencing Ace, this deck actually was the beginning of Bant Auras. Which is now an official deck that people like to play. Or atleast was.
Posted 29 July 2013 at 15:30
