Discussion Forum

Golgari Simic

So I'm an massive fan o Evolve and really want to see a bit more of a competitive side to it. I've done my research and sadly I can't find a great way to do it. So I decided the answer was probably in my head!


That is the deck i came up with. the Corpsejack Menace combination with Biomancer is of course what sprung it. However, I noticed that the Golgari spells have a lot of support that's possible and would breed some interesting combinations. What do you guys think, what do you suggest.

Also, i'm trying to see i i need Sliverhead, ( http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=253586 ) who could be used on Fathmon mage for draw power, Biomancer for more power, and of course a good throw away in the event hte opposition is making me discard and or is attacking.

Now, I should stress that I'm just trying to compete on a regional arena and I find it more for fun than for money or anything. So if you can keep it "light' and not too crazy that'd be great. To be honest I would LOVE to see the more 'competitive' edge though, so just throw your suggestions and idea's out there please!
Posted 25 August 2013 at 15:13


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