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Deck Challenge- Lich's Mirror

Anyway me and my brother were blazed and looking through some cards we had just got. I pulled a mythic rare called Lich's Mirror from the Shards of Alara shit that they have. Anyway you shuffle your shit into your library and start over at 20 life. But say you had cards that where championed or in a state of suspend. Those cards are removed from the game right. So when the start over takes place the cards not in play will still be out of play. Championed creatures will come back and suspend creatures with still be suspended. When the suspend ends you now have a new creature. I know that there are cards that add time counters and remove them as well. I want one of you badass deck making motherfuckers to make a badass deck revolved around this concept. Good luck. :symchaos:
Posted 20 January 2010 at 02:06


it says all the permanents you own, that means exiled permanents as well I would think.

Anyway, just make a burn deck with a lot of 1 and 2 mana spells, that way when you die and get a new hand you simply play land and burn, next turn, play land and burn again. You should still have a very good chance of winning.

My burn deck plays

Ankh of Mishra
Keldon Marauders
Goblin Guide
Magus of the Moon
Countryside Crusher
Lightning Bolt
Price of Progress
Chain Lightning
Pulse of the Forge
Rift Bolt

It's a pretty good deck. That said I don't know if I could fit a 5 mana monstrosouty in an Ankh of Mishra deck :)
You can easily make a cheaper version of this deck that is still good and play your mirror.
Posted 20 January 2010 at 08:06


10/1/2008: Lich's Mirror doesn't affect spells on the stack, cards that have been exiled, or permanents you control but don't own. They'll stay where they are. Spells on the stack will then resolve as normal. Says it on the card shit on that one site. So no those cards that are exiled are exiled and come back when either thier suspend is up or the creature that championed them leaves play now... Make a damn deck around this concept.
Posted 20 January 2010 at 22:00


The only possible way I see to totally abuse the Lich's Mirror is to path to Exile your creatures and even Journey to Nowhere works and oblivion ring. Since when the cards go away, the creatures come back. When you use the mirror, you start out with all your guys back on the field while your opponent starts out with nothing. I'm too lazy to put this into a deck, though. I might do it later. It would be hard to get all your creatures out, Path enough of them, and get out the mirror, by then your opponent will know what you're doing and won't kill you just wait till you're out of cards.
Posted 21 January 2010 at 02:34


OK. I F***ed up. Path to Exile will just exile the creature, it will not return after. That knocks your chances down to only two enchantments: Journey to Nowhere and Oblivion Ring. I did make a deck for it, even though, it's just a Naya Zoo deck with the combo init. So I guess I can't say that I made it. I'll try to be a bit more creative with it when I make a newer one later.

:manab::manaw: Dark Lord of Life :manaw::manab:
Posted 21 January 2010 at 02:51


Anyway I'm in the process of making an extremely badass deck from Lich's Mirror. It's a suspend and champion only deck with some badass fucking spells in it. You guys are gonna shit bricks when you see this finished product. Btw I :symtap: your mom last night.:symchaos:
Posted 21 January 2010 at 03:37


[QUOTE=Seth]it says all the permanents you own, that means exiled permanents as well I would think.

Anyway, just make a burn deck with a lot of 1 and 2 mana spells, that way when you die and get a new hand you simply play land and burn, next turn, play land and burn again. You should still have a very good chance of winning.

My burn deck plays

Ankh of Mishra
Keldon Marauders
Goblin Guide
Magus of the Moon
Countryside Crusher
Lightning Bolt
Price of Progress
Chain Lightning
Pulse of the Forge
Rift Bolt

It's a pretty good deck. That said I don't know if I could fit a 5 mana monstrosouty in an Ankh of Mishra deck :)
You can easily make a cheaper version of this deck that is still good and play your mirror.[/QUOTE]

nice cards.....:)
Posted 10 March 2010 at 04:47
