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Need sideboard ideas for standard tourney in two weeks

Hey guys. I am playing in a standard tourney at Prairiecon in Brandon, MB in two weeks. I haven't really played a competitive game of Magic since GenCon last year. I have cards, and a passing idea of what deck are going in the standard environment right now, but I try not to netdeck and just take the dominant deck to a tourney.

Anyway, I have 4 possible decks that I need to decide between for the tourney, and 3 of them need sideboard help. I would love to hear suggestions as to which deck I should play, and what sideboard I should try to run.

Here's the decks:
- Labyrinth (This one has a sideboard, and I didn't type it up. It's the usual Maze's End deck.. all guildgates and fog effects)
- Counter Magic http://www.mtgvault.com/thebadgerking/decks/counter-magic/ (U/G counter deck, meant to abuse Sage of Hours with Master Biomancers, Vorel and Bioshifts)
- Attack of the Clones, Part II http://www.mtgvault.com/thebadgerking/decks/attack-of-the-clones-part-ii/ (updated U/G Biovisionary deck)
- When the Lightning Strikes http://www.mtgvault.com/thebadgerking/decks/when-the-lightning-strikes/ (Izzet deck built around Keranos, God of Storms, lots of burn, and Young Pyromancer to make an army)

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Posted 17 May 2014 at 19:52


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