
213 Decks, 1,749 Comments, 482 Reputation

Won't lie Puschkin, that sounds a bit derogatory xD And Rex, gtfo of my deck you filthy human xD Yes I've experienced horrible death at the hands of 8 rack, although I watched a beautiful game where bitterblossom had just been unbanned and unfortunately, they were playing soul sisters, lose 1, get a fairy and then their opponent gains 3 xD

Posted 28 May 2015 at 14:43 in reply to #550963 on Brainstorming:Time of Control


Ye that's fair enough, we were brought up on different styles of magic, no I can't remember the Hitler vids as I only started in New Phyrexia just before rotation. Well I wouldn't swear at someone for having a differing opinion in real life, and I certainly wouldn't swear at someone in a tournament, unless it was in jest, so might as well keep that up here!

Posted 28 May 2015 at 13:28 in reply to #550963 on Brainstorming:Time of Control


I used the past tense of thinking control was dead, and it pretty much was for Khans and FTR, and I thought that was good. I dislike control, its boring to play against for me and I find it boring to play. My friend took it to a WMCQ and each of his games took so long he had to drop from the tournament because he was so hungry he couldn't think straight. I like crazy mana combos, I'd much rather see them than control, and mana burn doesn't hurt tournaments, so you might as well remove it, its just something else new players have to learn making it more difficult to learn. No UU counterspells you say, Silumgar's scorn is right above xD. Mana burn also draws back some of the stuff WOTC is advocating, Nykthos shrine to Nyx for example, so for such little impact and for taking away from innovation, I think lack of mana burn creates more decks than there are decks that would utilise mana burn. Wizards don't want to kill control, control decks are traditionally the most expensive (Miracles, Esper Dragons/Abzan control and UWR modern) which is good for them, but to quote one of the commentators watching a draw go control mirror match on the PT 'All the control players are getting really excited right now, everyone else is bored to tears'

Posted 28 May 2015 at 11:20 in reply to #550963 on Brainstorming:Time of Control


Just made some changes

Posted 28 May 2015 at 10:14 as a comment on Surprise High 5... to the face


But control isn't on the decline, this standard we have Abzan and esper, before it was U/W control, before that it was Drownyard esper. Modern doesn't really play control because combo kills are faster, although Jeskai control will always have a special place in my heart in modern. Legacy has Miracles, enough said. Control is not on the decline, magic has become simpler so it is more inclusive to those of younger ages and all abilities. How would mana burn improve the game though? It feels like 'don't tap crazy amounts of mana unless u spend it or kill them' and whenever I'm tapping lots of mana, I'm spending it on something nasty, or I'm comboing off and killing you so mana burn has no impact

Posted 28 May 2015 at 10:03 in reply to #550963 on Brainstorming:Time of Control


You remove irrelevances because they just clog up the game and make a pain for judges, I'm actually looking at it from WOTCs perspective, they want people to play tournaments and they most endorse standard because money. I wasn't talking about Mindslaver, I think it was a bad example (No offence!!) for why mana burn has been removed. And hey if you play kitchen table, then you can add it back in.

Posted 28 May 2015 at 07:59 in reply to #550963 on Brainstorming:Time of Control


Dude I don't care about budget, Brimaz is for sure a brilliant card as is wingmate roc, I'd prefer Brimaz, I'll look at what to cut, thanks :)

Posted 28 May 2015 at 07:56 in reply to #551188 on Brainstorming: Homecoming


Yes and those cards won't get reprinted because that isn't the way wizards want to go, they don't want the crazy combos any more and they don't want one deck on top, hence the huge support for control in DTK after getting little to nothing after U/W picking up before rotation made the format less fun... that pro tour final was just boring. Mana burn doesn't affect standard anymore, little to no impact in modern as when you make infinite mana, you win and in legacy it would make some new innovation, but its more likely to strangle other decks in legacy but there is simply no point of it now.

Posted 27 May 2015 at 20:40 in reply to #550963 on Brainstorming:Time of Control


Dumbing down magic... bring back the most hated by judges ability in morph and then add mega morph, just to annoy judges a little bit more. Pro level magic is certainly getting more interesting and complex, whilst magic is a lot more understandable and thus more enjoyable for new players, card quality on the whole has improved and the printing of cards that are incredibly broken is going down (cruise and dig excluded) and being a Spike is for sure better than it was in the 90s, really don't think mana burn would make a huge impact on standard, and since standard is the main focus for WOTC they might as well scrap the confusing mechanic that now doesn't add anything to the game. Shroud over hexproof is to make a bigger advantage for the casting player, look at bogles, hexproof has been around a lot longer, they just renamed it. Of course Wizards cater to their key demographic, they are a business and there is little point harking back to the 90s (why don't people take Heroin anymore like in the 90s?) Anything that helps new players yet still sets a complex challenge to those higher up the chain is good in my humble opinion

Posted 26 May 2015 at 20:56 in reply to #550963 on Brainstorming:Time of Control


Cheers mate! Now I really think this one has had it xD people like budget and bad decks for reasons unknown to me!

Posted 25 May 2015 at 06:42 in reply to #550834 on Brainstorming: Homecoming


I would never add 4 4 drops to a red aggro deck unless they are hellrider, and even then I'd struggle with 4, this was before Dragons of Tarkir

Posted 24 May 2015 at 20:10 in reply to #550805 on Brainstorming: Get Competitive


Posted 24 May 2015 at 20:09 as a comment on Brainstorming: Here be Dragons


Gets people looking

Posted 24 May 2015 at 08:21 in reply to #550745 on Surprise Butt Sex


Just have to say Silumgar's Scorn is the best counterspell in standard, you jam 4 in Dragon Control

Posted 22 May 2015 at 07:40 in reply to #550175 on Jeskai Control


No worry man

Posted 22 May 2015 at 07:38 in reply to #550547 on Brainstorming:Time of Control


Ye Myth doesn't work, my mate tried it, just didn't work, Dromoka's command and that!

Posted 19 May 2015 at 19:05 in reply to #550160 on Jeskai Control


Ye Myth doesn't work, my mate tried it, just didn't work, Dromoka's command and that!

Posted 19 May 2015 at 18:44 in reply to #550160 on Jeskai Control


Sideboard them

Posted 18 May 2015 at 06:45 in reply to #549933 on Jeskai Control


Ye agreed, maybe a mana less... with some dragons... quite a scornful card ;)

Posted 17 May 2015 at 18:20 in reply to #549835 on Jeskai Control


But that won't happen... why waste a space on an enchantment that doesn't do anything immediately and demands more mana just to make 2/2s which don't really contribute to the way this deck wins. Might as well have more removal, the best control decks have tonnes of removal and counterspells and then 1-2 win conditions, and Skywise teachings doesn't do that, it only makes flying 2/2s for 2 mana when you cast a non-creature spell, I'd much prefer to have that mana open to threaten or have a counterspell up

Posted 17 May 2015 at 10:57 in reply to #549838 on Jeskai Control


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