
13 Decks, 8 Comments, 0 Reputation

Fair enough.

Posted 21 October 2013 at 05:11 in reply to #405217 on Anti-Artifact EDH


Cut Quagmire Druid. Also, I wish you would but Deathrender back in

Posted 25 June 2013 at 01:07 as a comment on Kresh, EDH when things die!


This is cool, I love abusing average cards!

Posted 25 June 2013 at 01:04 as a comment on UG Evolve


Also, you could use a Sol Ring.

Posted 30 May 2013 at 22:11 in reply to #359305 on Kresh, EDH when things die!


Please make this deck. It's so good. Win turn 4 every time.

Posted 30 May 2013 at 21:32 as a comment on Myr Moonpebbles Theoritical


It's decent.

Posted 30 May 2013 at 21:22 in reply to #359305 on Kresh, EDH when things die!


Lavalanche is a decent mass removal, and could be copied by Chandra. Havengul Vampire goes great with the theme of the deck. Moonsilver Spear gives a sac-able 4/4 flyer.

Posted 30 May 2013 at 21:20 in reply to #356834 on Kresh, EDH when things die!


Mask of Avacyn. The Equipment cost is high for what you get. If you need hexproof that badly, I suggest a different card.
Spawning Pit. You have a lot of other sac outlets that get you more, and you don't have proliferate or anything that can increase your counters on it.
Algae Gharial. You can't use all of your equipments on a creature with shroud.
Dread Drone. Emrakul's Hatcher and Kozilek's Predator do the same, except better. 5 for a 4/1, even with the 2 spawners isn't that great.
Viscera Seer. Chump block, and an OK sac outlet. You have plenty of others.
Insurrection. Not a very exciting card. If you have that much mana lying around and you're not using it, you aren't playing the deck right. It seems that by the time you could play this, it would be a "kill more" card.
Reliquary Tower. 35 lands is enough, and it doesn't seem like you'll utilize it very often.
The 3 cluestones. They are rocks that you can use to draw, and thats great, but you have other rocks (the keyrunes) AND mana accel. Really meh cards. I would maybe keep the Gruul and Rakdos Cluestones over the Gruul and Rakdos Keyrunes.
Vraska the Unseen. Seems like a cheap way to win. Other than that, it's just a fancy kill spell.

You will need to be really careful about when you play Dragon Appeasement and Fecundity, but that's never been an issue with your play style in the past. Dragon Appeasement is really interesting.
Wrecking Ball is awesome.
I might add a Kodama's Reach in addition to your Cultivate. But maybe not, you seem to have plenty of other mana accel.
Carnage Alter may be better than Culling Dias. Hard to say... the Alter can be reused and is quicker, but costs more. The Dias is like a charge up and wait.

Posted 30 May 2013 at 21:11 as a comment on Kresh, EDH when things die!
