
5 Decks, 16 Comments, 0 Reputation

Great deck. I've found for these decks hunted horror works really well. For two mana, you a a 7/7 black creature with trample, but your opponent gets two 3/3 green tokens with protection from black. However, if you unsummon a token, it's just destroyed... and since this is a control deck, unsummons are plentiful. The one weak point in this deck is a somewhat weak win condition. All you need is one creature to wreak havoc while your opponent can't play any of his own to win, so I would either put in two more morphlings or four hunted horrors. Check out my deck!

Posted 23 January 2011 at 14:49 as a comment on Blue Black Control


Good deck, why don't you try Coat of arms? It gives creatures of the same type +1/+1 for every other creature of that type. Basically, you get +2/+2 for each relentless rats instead of just one. Then maybe dual `nature.
Could you check out my exalted deck?

Posted 20 January 2011 at 14:02 as a comment on rats


get rid of thallid and put in utopia mycon. same mana cost, is a 0/2 instead of 1/1, and gives you one mana of any kind when you sacrifice a saproling.

Posted 17 May 2010 at 21:42 as a comment on Saproling Slivers


nah, black is better when you have mycoloth (which is a must have) because when you start getting crap tons of saprolings, you can use deathspore thallid's ability to literally kill your opponents creatures at will. Also, since my thallid deck is somewhat slow, a great card to stick in there is paralyze. Cheap black ability that can slow down your opponent significantly when used right. And you also need 4x thelon of havenwood, because when combined with sporeshower thallid, you basically kill everything

Posted 08 April 2010 at 20:36 as a comment on Thallid Bloom (need suggestions)


i know that one. I was just playing my friend today, and he kept chump blocking the four tokens i got from budoka, and i realized i need trample or something. but that works better

Posted 07 April 2010 at 21:13 as a comment on fun with excessive mana


i took out the strossuse, waaaay too much mana, and i always got all four in starting hand for ome reason XD. My friend only lets me play this deck against his sliver deck, but i did play a regular deck with it once. I was just screwing with him by the end, cause i had something like 89 saprolings XD

Posted 07 April 2010 at 21:12 as a comment on Thallid


those are all very expensive cards ($$$ and mana), but ill consider it. might need to put in a tiny bit of mana accel, but it could work

Posted 07 April 2010 at 21:10 as a comment on bruise deck


gotta love mycoloth...however, he is much more effective in a thallid deck which focuses more on creature counters. check out mine if you like. doubling season only reason i dont have it in my thallid deck is cost. get rid of the islands, 20 forests should be enough, because the one blue creature can also be paid for with green. Or, just for the lolz, make it 8 islands and 12 forests, and then put in some counterspells. They are quite fun, believe me

Posted 07 April 2010 at 17:10 as a comment on counters galore


noted. while the deck could always use more unsummons (hehe), i would rather have two lilanas in one game than none. Also, opponents also seem to try to destroy something like that as quick as possible, so having two in a hand is not always a bad thing. it can actually be an advantage, forcing your opponent to use everything against the first one, then watch in stunned horror as i play another one, only this time he lost too many creatures and/or played all of their instants, and are not able to prevent me from raiding his graveyard and taking any cards i want from my own deck ;D. As for the sideboard...i completely forgot about that, i was considering putting those in the main deck, and kept them their in case. Thanks for the input.

Posted 07 April 2010 at 16:51 as a comment on bruise deck


put in another swamp in place of the catacombs. also, instead of piranha marsh, put leech ridden swamp, because you can do the life loss multiple times. otherwise, great. now for shameless advertisement: check out my blue black deck. Does it have anything to do with this deck? no. bo it doesn't.

Posted 06 April 2010 at 21:22 as a comment on Life Exchange (with Vampires/type 2)


ohmygod, that deck is almost as good as Twilight! I HEART EDWARD

Posted 30 March 2010 at 20:44 as a comment on HEY LOOK GUIZ I CAN MAKE A VAMP DECK TOO


try wrexial the risen deep if you like using your opponents cards against him

Posted 25 March 2010 at 15:31 as a comment on Deck Challenge- Collective Grave


instead of harrow, use Mwonvuli Acid-Moss, with harrow you end up gaining on land, and with acid moss you gain one land, and get to destroy an opponents land too. costs a little more mana, but it's worth it.

Posted 23 February 2010 at 14:48 as a comment on green legion


fun. blood tribute is a real beotch ;D

Posted 15 February 2010 at 22:07 as a comment on Vampires


yeah, my first deck tried to include like two of every card i wanted, but you have no idea what is going to happen in a deck like that. it leaves to much to luck.

Posted 15 February 2010 at 21:19 as a comment on extreme light deck
