
8 Decks, 63 Comments, 0 Reputation

For landfall I love terramorphic expanse... 2 lands in one go... Twice the landfall abilities!

Plz rate my dredgy unearthy boom deck, thx :)

Posted 09 March 2010 at 20:36 as a comment on Vengeance of Ob Nixilis


dragon blood?
lotus petal?
darksteel collosus [or however its spelt]?

U got some nice mana producing lands but like no awesome artifacts with big costs to benefit it... try getting some real high cost, huge creatures to really mash anyone up [like darksteel...]

Rate my dredgy unearthy boom deck plz :)?

Posted 08 March 2010 at 13:37 as a comment on Colorless artifact deck


so whats the focus?

Posted 07 March 2010 at 14:02 as a comment on Deep Death


4x beseech the queen
4x diabolic tutor
2 - 3x dark ritual would help speed this up.

Please rate my dredgy unearthy boom deck, thx :)

Posted 07 March 2010 at 13:15 as a comment on Standard Nauseous Shadow


the lack of creatures would annoy me but nice idea.

Could try wall of frost (or frost wall, not sure) for some stalling till u get quirion... Seems solid enough tho.

Plz rate my dredgy unearthy boom deck, thx :)

Posted 07 March 2010 at 12:43 as a comment on unbeatable casual deck


mmm... hour of reckoning instead of judgement day? Otherwise kl concept...

comment on my dredgy unearthy boom deck plz? :)

Posted 07 March 2010 at 12:16 as a comment on Bouncy Bouncy


lol dont think ul even need megrim... could maybe be a little slow tho...

cld try experimenting with terramorphic expanse? With hedron crab in play u play expanse (mill 3), then tap it too bring another land into play (mill 3 more) tasty?

please comment on my dredgey unearthy boom deck plz, thx :)

Posted 06 March 2010 at 18:37 as a comment on Oh sorry, Did you just loose?


this made me lol... I wonder how well it wld work in action...

Posted 28 February 2010 at 13:08 as a comment on Rats


nah ur missin the point! im not tryna cycle to anyone I want my guys in the grave asap to make crypt of agadeem overflow with mana and unearth a bunch of creatures...

dregscape zombie for example 1 mana to summon a 2/1... then attack for game...

Posted 28 February 2010 at 12:08 in reply to #53938 on Dredge Unearth Combo


yeah such as diabolic tutor or beseech the queen...

please rate my dredge unearth combo deck, thanks :)

Posted 28 February 2010 at 12:01 as a comment on Combos!!!!!!


seems pretty solid but cld use some trimming down...

Which areas need improving u havent left much for reviewers to comment on...

please rate my dredge unearth combo deck, thanks :)

Posted 28 February 2010 at 11:59 as a comment on Fire in the Night


nice idea but requires a lot of mana before u can really kick off and life it up... maybe some acceleration land wise could speed it up, ie exploration, explosive vegetation etc... just seems slow to me...

plz rate my dredge unearth combo deck plz, thanks :)

Posted 28 February 2010 at 11:54 as a comment on life gain


Not bad for what it is but I dont like fools tome in there... Id prefer a better way of drawing cards such as howling mine, breakthrough or braingeyser, but then again ur not running blue...

Anyway u only have 58 cards so why not add in 2x banefire or volcanic fallout to finish it up...?

Please rate my dredge unearth combo deck, thanks :)

Posted 28 February 2010 at 11:46 as a comment on Fast as Lightning aka Lightning in a Bottle


how about doubling season?

Posted 16 May 2009 at 11:41 as a comment on Snakes


interesting wikolo....

Im not too much of a veteran player so I tend to just see a removal card and go aha! It will help me lol. Not consider whether the deck im using matches it sorta thing.

Aso Kamal I see where your going with this deck now and I can see that, so long as these are your fav cards this deck will give you a lot of comfort when playing it.

U said its built to overrun, just like maybe consider the speed it gets going? Like how many creatures do you have by turn 4 - 5? Is it enough to stay dominant throughout?

And elves are a real pain in the ass lol... And well if this deck can stand strong against a deck of swarming elves then it must be at least half decent.

Keep at it.

Also thanks for the rating on my deck. :)

Posted 06 May 2009 at 18:20 as a comment on Dirty Dragons


ok Kamal thanks for your advice.

Lemme just explain a few things as well:

Doubling season - Too expensive

Glorious Anthem - Too expensive

I am on a tight budget and as much as I would love all these cards I have to settle for cheaper alternatives, instead of glorious anthem im considering leyline of the meak (all tokens get +1/+1).

Thanks for your comments everyone.

Posted 06 May 2009 at 18:15 as a comment on Token Swarm!


mmm, but whats the overall theme/point to the deck?

I cant see you having any sort of particular strategy or tactic to actually help you beat your opponent... Just seems like a bunch of random cards thrown together that have a mysterious ability as you said.

Could you explain like the purpose and il try and offer some better advice?


Also, plz rate my Token Swarm Deck, thx :)

Posted 02 May 2009 at 12:16 as a comment on Ixidor's Legacy


Thanks for all the help and reviews guys :D

Really appreciate it, specially as im just starting out, however I have learned a lot now and built a couple decks by myself :)

Posted 02 May 2009 at 12:14 as a comment on Unearth!


ah I my mistake ANON... Didnt realise that at first, thanks for the save ;)

Thought it was just soldiers... Thx il consider it!

Sorry for the intial stomping on your idea XD

Posted 02 May 2009 at 12:07 as a comment on Token Swarm!


for a goblin deck i really like

rise of the hobgoblins, it can really help swarm your field with tokens, and you can continually give your goblins first strike...

Theres also a card, I forget its name unfortunatley... Its a red enchantment that gives all your creatures double strike...

Meh... I think its pretty solid already...

Please rate my Token Swarm! Deck, thx :)

Posted 02 May 2009 at 12:06 as a comment on Blow your Load (Standard)Goblin Deck


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