
29 Decks, 205 Comments, 42 Reputation

i personally like go for the throat better than Doom Blade

Posted 13 January 2015 at 01:17 as a comment on Waste Away


Not a problem. of course after i gave you that idea I changed the concept of my deck and went all goblin tokens. I'm thinking it's going to be a lot of tokens and a lot of fun

Posted 13 January 2015 at 00:00 in reply to #528027 on Budget Decks: Aggro Tokens


Oh don't get me wrong. He looks cool and he's on all the booster packs out there. But looks are all he has. If I could change him he's be a 3/2 for WBB with Deathtouch, Outlast and first strike. Then he'd be a bad ass in my opinion. an Abzan version of Mantis Rider in a way.

Posted 12 January 2015 at 19:06 in reply to #528646 on Warrior Khan


Oreskos Swiftclaw or Timely Hordemate will be a better fit than Unyielding Krumar. In my opinion he kinda sucks.

Posted 12 January 2015 at 18:44 as a comment on Warrior Khan


I did ask for help on another deck ManialManiac. I guess i just didn't realize the change that it would entail. I will slowly add money into this deck to turn it into a competetive Modern. I've changed the deck to reflect the way it's currently set up and my sideboard is the cards on my to do lost.

Posted 12 January 2015 at 01:07 in reply to #528332 on Lifepain


Alright i've added a set of sisters, and 3 suture priest, and if I have a suture priest out you could play alliance of arms for some tokens or shrine of loyal legion.

Posted 11 January 2015 at 01:09 in reply to #528332 on Lifepain


I understand that and i appreciate the help. I just don't want to make my deck a copy of someone else's. I dropped Blind Obedience and i think that's a great card to have for an aggro heavy deck.

Posted 11 January 2015 at 00:06 in reply to #528332 on Lifepain


So i've messed around with the deck a little bit so far. But i'm really attached to Souls of the Faultless. I just think it's a slick card that with Sanguine bond will make the opponent think twice about attacking. i did drop it to three though, and I don't just want to copy the Soul Sisters deck. I want to have my own synergy and flair of the deck. In the Soul Sisters deck your lifegain is based around creatures entering the battlefield. it doesn't have any destroy. Do i cut Mortify and go for the throat to add more creatures? I just don't know if I would like that. I've also added elspeth for her +2 ability which will just get more powerful with shrine of loyal legion

Posted 10 January 2015 at 23:48 as a comment on Lifepain


^^exactly^^ I will cut it by one though.

Posted 10 January 2015 at 21:17 in reply to #528264 on Lifepain


Should I drop Nyx-fleeced ram for the Soults Attendent?, then I feel like Elspeth, sun's champion would be a better fit with dropping three soldiers each turn.

Posted 10 January 2015 at 19:31 in reply to #528264 on Lifepain


isn't dragon fodder the same is krenko's command. I run Dragon Fodder and Goblin Grenade in my Swarm and Overcome deck. and i'm sorry i'm not familiar with the Goblin Lords or what the banner to Name goblins is.

Posted 10 January 2015 at 19:25 in reply to #528263 on Blasphemous Tri-color Goblins!


That makes sense. in regards to your offer to help competitive modern play. the basis for my decks might not be up to par, But can you give me your opinion on the Decks Lifepain and Blasphemous tri-colored Goblins. The goblins isn't for competitive. My wife just wanted three color goblins and I kind of did the best I could. Lifepain is my main Casual Modern deck and minus the fact I have no shock land or Serra ascendant's. is there other places that need improvement? thanks in advance.

Posted 10 January 2015 at 19:06 in reply to #528248 on Into The Breach! CHARGE!!!


Wouldn't Spawnsire of Ulamog be better to bring Emrakul into play?

Posted 10 January 2015 at 15:33 as a comment on Into The Breach! CHARGE!!!


SOUL WARDEN!!!!!!!!!!!! NOONE SAID SOUL WARDEN!!!!!! I dropped the tithe drinkers and 1 ram for a set. Also picked up two godless shrines

Posted 10 January 2015 at 01:14 as a comment on Lifepain


I want to add Devout invocation because I think it would be hilarious to drop Hellion eruption one turn then the next Devout invocation. But it's so expensive to cast I don't know if it's worth it.

Posted 09 January 2015 at 21:00 as a comment on Swarm and Overcome


Alright so with messing around with it, Here's what I have


With my evaluation of extort the way to make the most of it is to add 1 minimum to the cost of every spell you cast so you can proc the ability. So I kept three crypt ghast in there so later in game if you drop a gods willing, you tap 4 swamp, get four bonus land, hit them for 4 with extort, you can four life, then if you have sanguine bond out since you gained life they take an additional 4 damage. But to my understanding you can only activate extort once per creature/enchantment with extort. So it's a balancing act between creatures with extort to spells that trigger the ability. You could make it work. Do I feel there is a more effective way to utilize a lifegain deck with the money you will spend on this deck? Yes.

Posted 09 January 2015 at 15:52 in reply to #528056 on Orzhov Extort


Preeminent captain is kind of wasted as their are only four soldiers in the deck and odrics ability doesn't proc the turn hes summoned by preeminent captain.

Posted 09 January 2015 at 04:04 as a comment on Angelic Soldier Control


If I wasn't on my tablet I'd try and give you a lot of help with this.I love the extort ability but I feel this deck needs the fat trimmed a little. You want to get things like tithe drinker, blind obedience cheap cards with the extort mechanic., run three or four of each. then if extort is going to be your main mechanic run four pridemates. Then find really cheap spells to proc extort that will benefit you. Like brave the elements or gods willing. Run it kind of like a heroic deck. Gift of orzhova will also help. A 7/7 pridemate with flying and life link can be a big threat. Tomorrow at work I'll comment a little more. You can check out my deck Lifepain if you want. Its not per say an extort specific deck but its in there a little bit and its built around life gain.

Posted 09 January 2015 at 03:55 as a comment on Orzhov Extort


Hellion Eruption may be good for this deck. I just added it to this deck i'm messing around with http://www.mtgvault.com/horizonblue/decks/swarm-and-overcome/

it's very token heavy and without Clifftop Retreat it's very budget friendly.

Posted 09 January 2015 at 00:40 as a comment on Budget Decks: Aggro Tokens


Godless shrine yes. I could probably throw two in there right now. But I'm wanting to build a standard deck. And for the price of one marsh flats I could build one of the standard decks I have on here. One is W/U. One is W/G. I just can't decide on which one.

Posted 08 January 2015 at 23:10 in reply to #527867 on Lifepain


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