
1 Deck, 19 Comments, 0 Reputation

Not only does this NOT do that much dmg with one creature, it sucks on all other premsesis, too. I'm assuming you made a typo and meant you cant do 20+ dmg and not 200+, but even then you need way too many turns and enchantment to do it. No deck should ever rely on a 12-turn kill mechanic. 2 stars.

Posted 18 August 2010 at 03:23 as a comment on KITTIES!


Drop out three forests for something that will pump you a little more mana, maybe some birds. And try switching two harmonize for two Lurking Predators cards. True, their initial cost is higher, but there's nothing like playing a darksteel colossus for free! I love the space shift, people have a lot of trouble using it in an effective manner and you nailed it with the locus lands. Any help on my decks is appreciated, mang.

Posted 18 August 2010 at 00:05 as a comment on Stuffy Doll Deck (NEED HELP)


Why do you have expanses in here? You should never need these. Put in some molten pinnacles. other than that I LOVE that enchantment.

Posted 17 August 2010 at 23:55 as a comment on Stuffy Doll Domination


If you're in extended and not type II you should always run a Grave Pact in a sac deck.

Posted 15 August 2010 at 00:21 as a comment on The Big, Bad Beetle Deck - please comment


I would remove the figure. It's ten mana for a creature that is amazing, yes, but not permanent. Maybe a low-cost accelerator like a birds and drop a plains, the symbol occurance is low enough you don't need the extra land. Otherwise, I would love this deck.

Posted 15 August 2010 at 00:19 as a comment on Fun Deck Please Comment


So when I first started playing I developed a formula for figuring out the level of a creature. You add its power and toughness together, then any ability it has counts as one more point to that total, and divide that number by two. Then you take its mana cost and add any costs for activating abilities (mana, tap, sac) and divide that number into the first. If your creature is not at least a level 1 take it out of the deck. Secondly, build it as a sacrificial deck with Grave Pacts and up it to 4 Mortician Beetles.

Posted 15 August 2010 at 00:15 as a comment on Black sac/ life drain/ recycle


Hey, I love the deck. Before I can offer any help is this designed to be specifically type II or are you playing extended?

Posted 14 August 2010 at 07:26 as a comment on G/U landfall control


Have you looked into the split w/b cards at all? Unmake is a great card for three mana which is basically colorless thanks to the split nature and since it's both colors it removes two counters at a time from the hatchling. I recently rebuilt a deck for use with Kresh, please head to my section and give a little feedback. Thank you! 8 stars to you.

Posted 12 August 2010 at 16:16 as a comment on Life & Death


Love the idea of the devour with bouncing them back of the cauldron. I haven't seen it used yet, but then again I'm only a casual player. I gave it a 9, please be kind enough to come back and review the deck of mine you already saw. It's been revamped and I would appreciate your input.

Posted 12 August 2010 at 16:10 as a comment on Devour/Persist


This is a beautiful deck. The only thing I might do is up the pipers since progenitus is useless w/out it and it still makes casting your other creatures hugely easier anyway.

Posted 06 August 2010 at 00:44 as a comment on My mess = Your death


I love this deck, I honestly don't see any holes with the way it is. The only adjustment I might make is to drop one forest for another Bear Umbra.

If you have any suggestions on my deck, it would be appreciated.

Posted 03 August 2010 at 09:15 as a comment on oh, my pride...


This deck is absolutely beautiful. The only addition I could make is Wall of Reverence. I know it's an attack based deck but something about its life gaining ability fits ever so well with your deck's ability for retarded huge creature. Also, if creature control ever becomes a problem Guiltspire Avenger works nicely.

Posted 02 August 2010 at 07:28 as a comment on Bant Exalted


Look, I know the auras and grace gatherer type creature are a really fun and seemingly powerful theme but there are three major problems. One, they put you at a mana disadvantage. Playing a creature that's 3/3 w first strike is cheaper than enchanting a 1/1 to that level. Two, they put you at a time disadvantage. But most seriously you're at a huge spell/card disadvantage. You're spending multiple spells per attack force and all somebody needs to cripple you is a simple Tranquility. I've just never seen a creature enchantment deck work in tournaments.

Posted 01 August 2010 at 21:53 as a comment on Tri-color Auras! :)


I like the idea but frankly your mana curve is way to high.

Posted 01 August 2010 at 02:46 as a comment on Sacrificial Upwelling


I love this deck, I think it's one of the best BW mimic decks I've seen. Out of curiosity, was there no room for the Divinity of Pride card? Seems a good replacement for Oversoul since, really, you lose a lot of that card's power unless you're using w puppeteer. Other than that one card, this deck is rock solid.

Please check out mine if you have time. I'm new to Emperor, need the feedback.

Posted 28 July 2010 at 09:29 as a comment on BW Mimic


I feel as though presence of Gond really serves no useful longterm goals. It's a beatdown deack, you shouldn't need to weenie because you should be through their life by turn 8. Also, that many creature enchantments puts you at a card disadvantage against kill spells. Take them out and sub in a control factor for when you run slow, like counterspell. Other than that I love taking the mimic theme to three colors, gives you a wide spread base of effects without straining your base too much.

Please check out my Kresh deck.

Posted 28 July 2010 at 09:23 as a comment on Mimic aggro Q combo


I'm a big fan of Lavalanche and Smoke for weenie control. Frankly I just think they fir the theme of elementals, seems the type of attack they'd use, eh?

Posted 28 July 2010 at 05:42 as a comment on When Elementals Kill


This is a good dragon deck but it suffers the same problem they always do. Even though this has considerably more creature-outting than most a good terminate or Grave Pact deck will cripple it. Tryand bring in something with a similar cost that gives you a steady weenie stream. Mycoloth, maybe? But I could very well be wrong, just getting back in after about 10 years off.

Posted 28 July 2010 at 05:38 as a comment on dragon done right


Have you thought about the infinite mana combo with Harabaz and Crab Umbra?? Granted it only works with four or more Allys in play and takes a little explaining but it does work.

Posted 28 July 2010 at 05:05 as a comment on Ally Ultimatum
