6 Decks, 12 Comments, 0 Reputation

I've changed the Arbor's for Llanowar's and taken out the Quirion Elves and Immerwolves (I'm sure I can trade them for something instead of forcing them to fit here)
Quick question about the Wolf-Skull Shaman though, does the kinship only activate for "Elf Shaman" or would any "Elf" trigger it?

Posted 15 April 2012 at 12:06 in reply to #247633 on Once Bitten Twice Shy


Ok thanks I see your point, the Quirion Elves were included because I already had them and thought it would be a simple way to use the Immervolves I got in boosters without reducing the number of Forests I had for the Blanchwood Armors and Howl of the Nightpacks. I'll definitely consider Rootbound Crag however and buying an extra Drove of Elves would hurt too much. I know there are cards out there that would fit really well in here like Master of the Wild Hunt etc but wanted to limit what I had to buy in. Appreciate the comments though :)

Posted 15 April 2012 at 11:27 as a comment on Once Bitten Twice Shy


Why don't you use Merfolk Looter instead of Hapless Researcher? Does the same thing without the need to sacrifice and then waste mana and cards reanimating.

Posted 13 April 2012 at 21:39 as a comment on Dead Rising


You can imagine how happy I was that Wizards have made Vamps Red in Innistrad! Stromkirks in you go!!

Posted 13 April 2012 at 19:43 as a comment on Viscerhate


Young Wolf is a great one drop that synergies with the rest of your deck really well and as a bonus has Undying :)

Posted 13 April 2012 at 19:29 as a comment on omg wolves


Managed to get hold of 3x Lotus Cobra's so they've gone straight in!

Posted 18 March 2012 at 00:28 as a comment on Crash n' Smash


.....as much as I'd like it to my budget can't really stretch to 3 Lotus Cobra's :( instead I thought I'd try Devoted Druid as a mana increase card, do you think that will help? Liked Rampaging Baloth however and have two on order.

Posted 01 March 2011 at 17:30 in reply to #136313 on Crash n' Smash


Cheers, I'm going to look those up now :) I was finding that the Piper was the stumbling block as it is either too slow to come out or when it does it's either bolted or doom bladed. Thanks

Posted 01 March 2011 at 13:19 in reply to #136313 on Crash n' Smash


Thank you for the kind offer :) I've posted a few decks on here but the one i needed the most help with went under the radar and got no comments haha
I find that when it works it can be very fast but sometimes it just sucks. Would really appreciate any pointers

Posted 01 March 2011 at 12:53 as a comment on !ATTENTIONEVERYONE!


You could try Sacred Wolf. It's a 3/1 with Shroud for 2+G so fairly cheap and difficult to get rid of (very nice when it receives Deathtouch from the Packmaster). Really like the deck :)

Posted 24 February 2011 at 07:49 as a comment on Elf's Best Friend


Didn't think of that, like it but what do you think I should take out to fit Blightning in?? Thanks

Posted 23 February 2011 at 09:52 in reply to #131870 on Viscerhate
