
43 Decks, 10 Comments, 1 Reputation

I've been thinking about arc trail not sure about where to put it though. I like brimstone for the morbid trigger.

Posted 26 March 2012 at 21:59 as a comment on u/r aggro/burn


looks good! You might consider squeezing in 3 or 4 more land 18 is kind of low and some more control would help, something like tumble magnet which would give you something else to proliferate. I would sub those in for the elixir and the lands in for the enchantments, that just me though.

Posted 15 April 2011 at 09:00 in reply to #152046 on Traumatize


here is one I made just to give you some ideas.

Posted 15 April 2011 at 04:05 in reply to #153552 on Sliver Maddness


Creature decks are going to play out more consistently when the odds of drawing a particular creature are higher. Essentially the closer you are to having the maximum number of copies of a card in the deck the more likely you are to draw that card. So to help you might consider removing some of the single copies of cards you have and adding copies of others. Also you might consider running sometime of tutor card which will allow you to find the sliver you need.

Posted 15 April 2011 at 04:03 as a comment on Sliver Maddness


thanks, ill sub that in for the wurmcoil engines

Posted 15 April 2011 at 03:35 in reply to #153410 on lifegain b/w


yea that sounds pretty awesome. Thanks for the advice!

Posted 13 April 2011 at 23:24 in reply to #152797 on lifegain b/w


I like the idea of the Lightning greaves I'm just not sure how I would fit it in

Posted 13 April 2011 at 20:11 in reply to #152802 on lifegain b/w


Any suggestions on what to remove for the Sanguine Bonds?
I will definitely fit the Emeria and the fourth Survival Cache in.

Posted 13 April 2011 at 20:07 in reply to #152797 on lifegain b/w


you might put the nihil spell bombs in your sideboard cant think of very many ways to put cards from your graveyard back into you library that are currently being played. thrummingbird also would be a good card to consider if you are trying to proliferate, would recommend swapping it in for your gust-skimmer. I would cut the cast through time and the inexorable tide, your not going to be able to get them out fast enough to do much good. One card you might look into playing is archive trap, if your opponent searches their deck for a card it has a zero casting cost and they mill the top 13 cards of their library.

Posted 11 April 2011 at 05:56 as a comment on Traumatize


you might try fitting in genesis wave

Posted 05 April 2011 at 04:06 as a comment on Landfall! COMMENT PLEASE!
