
30 Decks, 9 Comments, 3 Reputation

Expensive but wasteland would be real mean.

Posted 16 August 2016 at 16:17 as a comment on Treasure Bond


Thanks for your comment on my deck, I have two human decks myself, a W/R and W/G.
I really like Cavalry Pegasus in my deck, although it seems like you're pretty set on 2 drops. Sunlance and Mana Tithe are also some of my favorites if you find yourself having issues early on.

Edit: Cloudshift and Mirran Crusader are fantastic as well.

Posted 15 August 2016 at 19:26 as a comment on Mono White Humans


Yeah I plan to run a full set of them, this is just the deck as it is now. Blistercoil Weird would be an interesting addition as well, I hadn't thought of him and probably have a couple sitting around. Jori En is a card I haven't seen before actually, I may proxy that in a bit. Any recommendations on what to take out for it? That's my issue, I Goblin Electomancer is at the top of my list to take out but it combos well with Jori. Perhaps Hero of Oxid Ridge but I love that with the Young Pyromancer as a finisher.

Posted 15 August 2016 at 19:21 in reply to #587810 on Modern Izzet budget


I second the Bedlam Reveler. Thing in the ice sideboard is fantastic as well. For other sideboard cards I like Fiery Impulse, Incendiary Flow, Seismic Rupture and Roast for dealing with early game threats. Other options for you to consider are Fevered Visions, thermo-alchemist.

Ideally I would put 2x Bedlam Reveler, 4x Thing in the Ice, and a combination of the listed burn spells, Incendiary Flow and Fiery Impulse are my favorites. Seismic Rupture can be swapped for Thing in the Ice.

Posted 15 August 2016 at 19:16 in reply to #587233 on Mr Nibbles


Also, throwing out some more ideas... If you added Rakdos Cackler that would make Hellraiser Goblin viable as you would almost have guaranteed 3 creatures attacking 3rd turn. Just an idea for more haste. I do really like this deck, I'm probably going to buy a variation of it and try it in FNM because why not.
I realize neither of these are humans, would probably swap out the viashinos if interested in any of the cards I've listed.

Posted 03 May 2014 at 18:19 in reply to #461109 on Budget Decks: Standard Boros


Are Firemane Avenger and Frontline Medic too expensive for this deck? I think you should add at least 1 of each, even if you Added 4 of both of them would keep it under $10 and I think they would be solid additions. I assume you have thought of them and that your reasoning is to keep it budget, just throwing it out there.
Lastly, dang I wish boros charm wasn't that expensive!
(Expensive in this comment refers to monetary value, not mana cost)

Posted 03 May 2014 at 18:07 as a comment on Budget Decks: Standard Boros


Honestly didn't think of him, added a few thanks!

Posted 18 February 2013 at 01:48 in reply to #324496 on Wee Kiln and such budget


Looks like a good deck, I would look into adding flayer of the hatebound.

Posted 16 February 2013 at 22:25 as a comment on Graveyard And QSA Smash


Added 3 arbor elves and 2 pattern of rebirth, should make it quite a bit faster.

Posted 16 February 2013 at 22:02 as a comment on Feed the Goliath
