
16 Decks, 99 Comments, 7 Reputation

Coolest Deck Ever

Posted 19 December 2013 at 03:54 as a comment on Auroch Your World!


would you look at that. i thought i had it all figured out, that oughta teach me not to get cocky

Posted 19 December 2013 at 03:45 in reply to #421129 on Hundred Handed One Multi Block


well i guess that makes sense. there really isnt much of that where i play so i didnt think of it

Posted 19 December 2013 at 03:42 in reply to #421129 on Hundred Handed One Multi Block


i like the deck idea but whats with tatterkite?

Posted 19 December 2013 at 03:35 as a comment on Hundred Handed One Multi Block


i think you would only need one and just hold it until you're down to like 1 or 2 cards in you library then use it. at that point i don't think you could deck before them. but whatever works, works

Posted 07 December 2013 at 19:54 in reply to #418313 on I win with 1 life.


i think that gitaxian probe and maybe even dismember are very good ways to lower your life total if you opponent refuses to attack, because i feel that is really the only way you can just not win is you opponent not dealing damage and forcing you to deck after an excruciatingly long game. so maybe a few other ways to spend your life would help. i like splashing black for yawgmoth's bargain as it basically guarantees you to find a tutor or your combo pieces and can put you at exactly one and is even a tutorable enchantment. however splashing black really hurts your mana base

Posted 07 December 2013 at 05:34 as a comment on I win with 1 life.


i think mainboarding the pheonixs over 2 burning trees and a battledriver would help the curve greatly. also finding room for a second dragon would help to push through a better end game

Posted 06 December 2013 at 04:55 as a comment on Red


with angel's grace, you actually can't actually die from ad nauseum or spoils of the vault. your life total goes negative but you ca't lose until the end of turn. so you can effectively draw your whole deck. also if you draw one after attempting to go off, i can save you and give you an extra turn. also, death's shadow gives you a back up plan in a massive and cheap beater

Posted 06 December 2013 at 04:31 in reply to #410857 on 1st turn Tendril Win


ok. i figured the hawks were on purpose but wasnt sure on the rest. i think this seems like a cool cube to draft as an underpowered set, versus power cubes that make you evaluate the cards in a different way. i think im going to proxy this and try it with some friends

Posted 06 December 2013 at 03:41 in reply to #417482 on FirstCube


in case you didnt realize, you have 4 squadron hawk, 2 wall of vines, 2 arbor elf, and 2 horizon spellbomb

Posted 04 December 2013 at 00:24 as a comment on FirstCube


i really like that you added the jace to the sideboard. i think he can add a lot against aggressive decks. another card i hadnt thought of before is azorious charm. it can be removal, draw denial, life gain when you need it and when it's dead, it can cycle. i think that because it will never really be dead, i warrants a spot main deck. i just dont know what you can cut for him

Posted 02 December 2013 at 21:46 in reply to #416863 on America Midrange, need help!


so one of the problems that i see is that you are very top heavy with too many end of game threats. drop the aurelia and medomai and maybe one angel of serenity. the dragons and aetherlings should be enough to win you the game when they come down. also ajani wont do nearly anything as he cant +1 or -3 to help one of your creatures that comes down well after him. because you're playing 12 mountains i think chained to the rocks would be a much better removal spell than voyage's end, mainly because it allows you to permanently deal with a threat even at the cost of scrying. so -3 voyage's end, +3 chained to the rocks. then you have 4 slots from -1 ajani, -1 angel, -1 aurelia, and -1 medomai. i would recomend maybe 3 sphinx's revelation and a single assemble the legion, because the revelation gives you much needed life gain against anything but control and allows you to win the longer games against control with the card draw. the assemble the legion also ives you an inevitability that allows to beat almost any deck in a longer game which is where you will likely end up in most matchups. finally if you make a sideboard, i would recommend warleader's helix for aggressive decks and dissolve and another assemble the legion for control decks. i think this deck definitely has a chance to be awesome!

Posted 01 December 2013 at 19:07 as a comment on America Midrange, need help!


i think that a play-set of cyclonic rift would do you better than the devastation tides. also you only need one or two devil's play so if you can get some bonfire of the damned itd be a good replacement. i think dissipate might be better in the sideboard against zombie decks or scavenge decks

Posted 15 October 2012 at 23:01 as a comment on R/U New Standard


The two problems i see are that A. You have 12 lands that depend on you have a land with a basic land type and only 8 lands with a basic land type, causing alot of your M10 lands to come in tapped, and B. you only have the 4 gravecrawler and the deathrite shamans for 1 drops. I suggest you swap some M10 duals for a few basics to stop them from coming in tapped, plus your mana costs aren't very constrictive. also i think that rakdos cackler is a very easy to cast 1 drop that is great for an agro deck. Finally maybe add some slitherheads to help out the lotleth troll.

-1 vraska -3 farseek -4 desacration demon - 2 rootbound crag -2 dragonskull summit
+1 forest +3 swamp + 4 slitherhead +4rakdos cackler

Posted 08 October 2012 at 15:57 as a comment on Jund Aggro Control


Great deck! I would suggest some more recursion with Dread Return, as well as some extra card draw with Skullclamp which can easily bury your opponents with card advantage. Nether Traitor, Gravecrawler and Bloodghast are good creatures that can easily come back from the dead. Songs of the Damned is great way to get extra mana in a deck like this. Hunger of the Howlpack is great for extra counters and Doubling Season is probably the best. Overall i really like your deck and i think it's a great take on Skullbriar. If you could check out some of my EDH decks that would be awesome too, thanks!

Posted 01 September 2012 at 00:13 as a comment on Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord



sorry i forgot the address somehow, derp

Posted 01 September 2012 at 00:01 in reply to #286176 on "YOUR DECK HERE"


Deck well done! my only suggestion is to tone it down on the razorverge thicket because after turn two its bad. so maybe only 2 or 3 and since your mana curve is so low, you probably will only need like 21 or 20 lands anyways so the extra thalia and champion would fit right in

Posted 31 August 2012 at 23:55 as a comment on G/W Aggro


Nevermind. i completely missed that it already has fireslingers, my bad. Good deck though!

Posted 30 August 2012 at 13:11 in reply to #286177 on Krenko's Worldfire


How about Goblin Fireslinger as an alternate target for the O-Ring/Fiend Hunter? It's a little slower than the Blisterstick Shaman but also fits into the goblin theme. You still only have to wait one turn which is likely a lot less than your opponents

Posted 30 August 2012 at 13:08 as a comment on Krenko's Worldfire


Sheoldred EDH

Black EDH deck centered on sacrifice and reanimation.
Also if you could check out my other Commander decks that would be awesome too

Posted 30 August 2012 at 13:05 as a comment on "YOUR DECK HERE"


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