Blue-White Heroic

by keeatzz on 09 November 2013

Main Deck (60 cards)

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Deck Description

Get big quick. Protect with Detention Sphere, Gods Willing and Triton Tactics whilst triggering heroic (for the latter 2). Aqueous form for the kill shot.


Deck Tags

  • heoric
  • Blue
  • White
  • Cheap

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 1,910 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Blue-White Heroic

16 creatures in the deck, 12 with heroic... You might not always get to play your heroic creatures without them being removed with burn or kill spells, so just make sure to keep something for that at all times. Counterspells might be a problem too. Not the absolutely strongest deck against control (which is what I'm currently playing) but I'm sure it would be just fine or even good against like 95% of all the other decks.

All in all, the deck looks fine, just make sure to play smart and you win ;)

Posted 10 November 2013 at 18:51


Thanks man. Control would definitely pose a major problem. Gods Willing can only protect so much and supreme verdict would be devastating. Looking for tweaks to work around that to keep in the sideboard right now.

Posted 11 November 2013 at 18:38


Brave the elements/dramatic rescue/gainsay/mizzium skin/negate/rootborn defenses/gift of immortality/indestructibility are all good cards for defending your creatures.

Bident of Thassa could be pretty good at just refilling your hand, so if they do use a board sweep, you already have a full hand again ready to be played.

Just some suggestions that came to mind :)

Posted 11 November 2013 at 22:43


Thanks a ton

Posted 11 November 2013 at 23:35
