
36 Decks, 25 Comments, 46 Reputation

Okay, so I see this whole thing is still going, now I've said it before and I'll say it again. The biggest blow to this morons ego is to ignore him, if everyone ignores WDM and make him invisible to the rest of the site, all of this BS will go away and we will have peace and quiet from it all finally. Ignoring WDM kinda includes not responding to his outrageous and schizophrenic claims, deleting his comments, and not commenting on all of the shit stains we call his decks. Just ignore him, he's in idiot that the rest of us the good community need to erase by making him invisible. This is the last post I will be making on this subject, I suggest the ones who agree with me to follow suit, I'm in no way creating my own band wagon, I would rather see a helpful and constructive community than the toxicity I've been seeing for the last 2 years. Ignore WDM and move on it's that fucking simple, on that note. I'm out, see y'all around

Posted 07 February 2022 at 00:41 as a comment on Why WickedDarkMan Is A Fraud


By the way Wicked, as I have just noticed the comment before about me being a troll cuz I didn't really have the time to actually read it considering I actually have a life. I don't remember our conversations about you wanting to salvage my old decks mainly because you never said anything about them, I only said I was moving them that's it, so obviously you're either stupid or delusional. As for me being a troll and talking to trolls, you couldn't be more wrong as you can check all of my comments I've posted, there aren't that many. In fact the name of my "old" account is Pyromaniac643, I just did a post today stating that I had all of my decks moved, go ahead check it for yourself, it's the only other account I had and I don't even use it anymore. Funny that you recall our convos before I had moved my decks over considering you couldn't remember what my user name was before. So go ahead call me a troll if that's what floats your boat, but your reality is beyond help. If you want the proof go ahead and look for yourself, I just stated it in this comment. As a last word of advice practice what you preach, you want me to provide the proof of who I was before, I just gave you proof, maybe you should do the same

Posted 12 October 2021 at 05:27 in reply to #644735 on Why WickedDarkMan Is A Fraud


I don't play anyone, I just so happen to have this thing called a brain

Posted 11 October 2021 at 20:47 in reply to #644735 on Why WickedDarkMan Is A Fraud


Dude, all I can say is that your an idiot, who in their right mind would keep personal info on a deck building website for a card game? Obviously not me. Anyone else? Besides I'm pretty sure "MOST" people that know computers aren't that stupid, but hey you do you

Posted 11 October 2021 at 20:34 in reply to #644735 on Why WickedDarkMan Is A Fraud


If you're archiving them, then tell me this am I a "troll" or a "newcomer"? Extortionists huh, dude you're so self-absorbed that you can't even see it, you really think all these people are actually ganging up on you to try and get your personal info? How pathetic can you get? Dude your decks are shit, you think everyone should bow down to your every thought, and you think everyone that has an opposing opinion or has straight facts that you are indeed wrong is either trash, dirt, not worth anything, or some kind of extortionist and just wants your personal info to fuck with you. You need to get a grip and wake up to the reality that this site is for people to learn or get feedback from GOOD players and deck builders, not your personal playground for you to think you are the "god" of something that you clearly aren't. These people have been calling you out because you are an idiot, actually that's not a strong enough word, there are no words to describe how much of a fucking moron you are. These "extortionists" have more common sense about Magic than you ever will, shit my 17 year old sister could not only kick your ass for real, but also build a better deck than you. Wake up to reality mate, we don't live in your world. I'd actually like to use this site as I have been for the last 10 years, without dumbshits like you fucking it up but its kinda too late for that now isn't it. I wanna see this community tear you to pieces then rebuild itself without you in it. You and your conspiracies can fuck right off

Posted 11 October 2021 at 20:09 in reply to #644735 on Why WickedDarkMan Is A Fraud


Shit I just noticed this, where have I been damn. Good luck dude, sad to see ya go, but good on ya for getting out. No one needs this BS from Wicked. Wicked fuck off to somewhere else where you think you matter cuz you don't here

Posted 11 October 2021 at 18:22 in reply to #644438 on Farewell


Wicked I highly suggest you give up on your "crusade" to try to make yourself the bigger person or the "god" of MTG, because you're only digging yourself a bigger hole. That part about the conspiracy of people making alt accounts just to gang up on you is total BS, besides people only do shit like that if you picked the fight first and whined about how people are picking on you to get them banned, and sorry to say you are losing this one. I thought "hmmm.....maybe I'll give the benefit of the doubt" but you've lost my patience waiting to see if you'd prove that all these people "ganging up on you" are wrong, so I've given completely up on that. You sir, are in need of a major wake up call, you're decks are in fact complete shit ngl, I have built decks in my sleep with my pinky finger better than you. Quit trying to make yourself seem cooler than you are just give up because you aren't fooling anyone. Your "crusade" is over, you've lost. Obviously your bit about being "Pro" is just BS. So I'll just leave this here, I really hope you realize that you need to find somewhere else to pretend you're important, because it isn't here. Either get better at building decks and put out something relevant or just quit MTG altogether.

Loki, you have my respect

Posted 11 October 2021 at 18:13 as a comment on Why WickedDarkMan Is A Fraud


Okay, I get your point, and you very well may be right to call him out on the fact that he is not listening to anyone's for better or worse "advice" but just saying its actually a bigger blow to the ego if you just ignore it and watch his "follower" base shrink by the minute, I don't follow the guy, but I also have nothing against him. If I see a shit deck then I just move on, he's getting more attention by everyone trying to slander him, because they see that he's being talked about, thus wanting to check out why. It's basic psychology, put out something shitty or fantastic and it gets people talking, thus providing more attention. Hence why I more keep to myself and don't play into the attention grabbing nature of people like that. Once people actually figure out that he doesn't build a lot of good decks, which I figured out from the few I've looked at, people will just ignore him and it will only drop his ego to the ground, thus forcing him to think about what he's actually doing. He's getting more attention and feeding from it by people trying to trash him. For example: you play a game you do well one game, then you bomb the next and people start trashing you, people more often than not will want to see why you are being trashed, that's when you prove them wrong creating more attention. But if you ignore it no one will hear about it so no one will have the idea to see why there's a commotion about the situation, hence diminishing attention. If you really want to get to him so people see what he's doing wrong ignore him and help the people he's "wronged" personally. Watch the attention he gets drop like a rock

Posted 09 October 2021 at 22:07 in reply to #644585 on Why WickedDarkMan Is A Fraud


This is sad, like or hate him doesn't matter, he has put good points in some of my own decks, but others not so much. Ideas for decks are valuable whether they are bad or not, because you can always apply that "idea" somewhere else. You don't have to listen to only one person. Besides I have decks that have 85% win rates comparative to the people I play with, and despite the fact that I don't build to be a "tournament player" he has actually liked my deck builds, so do you think myself or really anyone else is interested in whether the guy thinks or says he's "Ex-Pro"? Not really. The point is that he's trying to help, and in my mind that has value. Why not go and cry about how you think he's a "fraud" somewhere else where people actually care about your petty dislike of the guy.

Posted 08 October 2021 at 03:47 as a comment on Why WickedDarkMan Is A Fraud


Cool deck, if you are worried about protecting the Swarm, maybe look into giving it hexproof by using enchantments ie: Asceticism, Archetype of Endurance. Maybe something to give indestructible ie: Mortal's Resolve. Possibly use mutate cards that make them stronger ie: Vulpikeet, Glowstone Recluse, Essence Symbiote

Posted 11 November 2020 at 21:35 in reply to #637667 on Scute Mutate


You sir are a legend, if only more of the community would do the same XD

Posted 11 November 2020 at 21:22 in reply to #637505 on Ixalan Pirates


My thanks to you good sir, much appreciated :)

Posted 11 November 2020 at 21:16 in reply to #637505 on Ixalan Pirates


Yea, for sure. Just one request if you do, if you could put on it the original creator of the deck, if your cool with that? Of course I would do the same, in fact I would promote your decks as well if I see any I like

Posted 11 November 2020 at 20:41 in reply to #637505 on Ixalan Pirates


Not gonna lie, the first time I made it I wasn't sure how good it would be, but when I played it a few times, it was playing way better than I thought it would

Posted 08 November 2020 at 03:01 in reply to #637505 on Ixalan Pirates


It plays pretty well, because there are plenty of lower cost cards and ways to draw and dig out the cards you need it's really easy to get a lot of treasure tokens which makes winning pretty easy, considering you can generate a boat load of mana every turn just from treasures, the only thing I would say is a threat to this deck is blue with counter cards, and some mill. Not only that slapping someone with Dire Fleet Captains and Dire Fleet Neckbreakers is pretty satisfying when you hit them for 7 or more

Posted 07 November 2020 at 03:46 in reply to #637505 on Ixalan Pirates


If I'm not mistaken I believe there are 13 13's. Not just the number 13 but sets of 13 as well

Posted 29 October 2020 at 20:09 in reply to #637311 on Treeskaidekaphobia


I've thought about adding a how to play description, but I haven't really gotten around to it quite yet. As for the creatures they are definitely great creatures to use in a fling deck, but I would take out the Quicksilver Amulets to add those and I was more after the premise of throwing large creatures I've cheated out, that I can also split into smaller token creatures. As for Utopia Sprawl that is absolutely a viable card that could be used in here as well, thanks for the great suggestion

Posted 20 October 2020 at 07:38 in reply to #637094 on Throw All The Things


Larger Than Life, and Wild Defiance are great cards that could be used. Signal Pest I personally wouldn't use cuz it doesn't have infect built in, but i could be good if the opposition doesn't have reach or flying, so it is almost guaranteed damage :)

Posted 12 October 2020 at 19:02 in reply to #636917 on 2 Turn Infect


It is and it isn't at the same time, Giant Growth is just more consistent when played at any time. With Might of Old Krosa it's very dependent on the situation. In here because it's suppose to be 2 turns, it can work the way it's suppose to, but against Unsummons and trying to go through 1 drop creatures Giant growth is just better, cuz you can possibly save the card in your hand instead of wasting it. Now if it gave Trample as well then yea of course, but because it doesn't Giant Growth is just more consistent

Posted 12 October 2020 at 00:44 in reply to #636898 on 2 Turn Infect


Had a look and instead of swapping out the amulet and adding the Champion, better option was to swap out the pipers, don't want too many creatures even if the pipers ability costs less, could always use them in the sideboard though

Posted 08 October 2020 at 03:09 in reply to #636749 on Attack Phase Shenanigans


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