
9 Decks, 85 Comments, 0 Reputation

harrow is much better than rampant growth, and it will trigger the worm as well.

Posted 01 June 2009 at 15:13 as a comment on speed green/red


card draw might be nice in this deck.

Posted 01 June 2009 at 15:08 as a comment on SillyElvesTrixR4Kids


I have seen a similar deck to this, and I don't like it as much. Sigil captain is pretty vulnerable to removal, and much easier to remove than glorious anthem. 4 paths is way too much. Spot removal is nice, but zealous persecution should help a lot too. I don't like that theres no finks in here md. The life gain is nice, and its much preferable to mad cap. I don't know about maelstrom pulse, especially in the mirror match. I would take out a path, the marsh flitters, and mad caps, and add in the anthems, finks, and a behemoth sledge md. You need more than 2 ajani's as well md, 3 would be better, maybe drop a maelstrom pulse or 2 to the sb.

Posted 01 June 2009 at 15:00 as a comment on B,G,W Tokens


The maelstrom pulses are there to get rid of ittitating enchantments and planeswalkers, or tokens. The card is extremely versitile, and it is only one more mana than terminate which is limited to creatures. I am noticing that for some reason I am not drawing the seismic assaults and the ad nauseams as much as I would like, in fact, barely at all. I am tempted to ad more, but I don't want to play adnauseam, and then run into another one. It has happened once or twice in play testing and it sucks. Bloodbraid isn't working as well as I would like it to either, because often times I would much rather cascade into a seismic assault rather than a figure or hellspark, or any other creature (although sometimes the visionary is nice). Loxodon isn't bad to cascade into, but it is a high cost card like bloodbraid that I don't want to run into when I play ad nauseam. I was thinking about adding white to the deck so that I can add in swans and celestial purge, but I don't know if its worth it. I thought about just making this into the new cascade swans deck, but it doesn't seem to hold up very well to aggro. the soonest the combo can start working is 4th turn when you can start chucking lands at your swans until you draw 10 lands, and then kill your opponent, but I don't know how likely it is that you will have a seismic assault and a swans in your hand. also with the bloodbraid you get the seismic out so that seems nice, but then your still stuck until 5th turn when you can play the swans. So idk. I guess it is usually a 4-5 turn win, but if someone can kill you faster than that, or thought hemorrhage your seismic assaults, game over.

Posted 01 June 2009 at 12:43 as a comment on The new aggro


Okay, so some justification for some of the card choices. So this deck is more about synergy aggro. So you have the 1 drop aggro creatures for early damage. Same for hellspark. Visionary is for the card draw and a possible damage or 2. bitterblossom is for the creature count, and it is insane with loxodon. Loxodon is in there for the life gain to offset bitter blossom, and because it makes things big, and is hard to get rid of. Ad nauseam is in there for the card draw, and its even better if seismic assault is down. There are 27 lands in the deck, and if you notice, not one spell (other than ad nauseam) costs more than 4. You play ad nauseam at the end of your opponents turn with seismic down, and draw as many cards as you can depending on your life total. If the game is going well you should be able to take like 8-10 damage drawing around 6-10 cards, hopefully 4-5 lands, and then untap, play a bloodraid or a hellspark, swing for a bit, and then kill your opponent with the lands in hand. If you don't draw the ad nauseam, and you do get the seismic assault, no problem, just beat your opponent with bitter, figure, loxodon, or what ever else you have in play. Loxodon and bitter become especially relevant if your opponent is playing a wrath heavy deck because you can pretty much set the combo up every turn with 4 in the air with life link.

Okay, so those are the justifications. I want to put garruk in there but I am not sure what to take out. I am thinking lavalanch and banefire for the sideboard. I don't know what else though.

Posted 31 May 2009 at 01:05 as a comment on The new aggro


So you have a few creatures that generate tokens, but the thing is that tokens don't go to the graveyard, and don't trigger the witch or the grave pact. Mogg fanatics are great, but you should add some more goblins, and even stuff that will some how give them persist...cauldron haze?

Posted 31 May 2009 at 00:24 as a comment on Goblin Grave Pact


BTW, jund charm was good some of the time and awful at others, I am still not sure about it though.

Posted 30 May 2009 at 23:39 as a comment on Bloodbraid Aggro


Okay, so the one pithing needle is for the token metagame. I get it, and there goes windbrisk, ajani, or elspeth. I ran this deck at fnm, and I never had a problem with the mana base, so I am not going to defend it much. I will say that a vivid first turn was great, and I usually had a rampant turn 2 so that turn 3 I had all three colors no matter what. Anyway, I do want to comment on this deck so people know whats wrong with it. I learned a lot about deck building this weekend and I am going to share some of it.

Firstly, the hackblades don't really fit with the deck. With the meta at FNM anathemancers were useless and got sided out. That makes it so that the only multicolored permanents were broodmates and bloodbraids. Hellsparks were okay, but it was usually too little too late. Violent outburst sucks, period end. Garruk is great, especially with X spells, but cascade and X spells are a bad combination. This deck lost to some pretty bad decks this weekend, although monored aggro really raped it, and so did exalted. There is far too much removal in this deck and not nearly enough damage. I am going to work on a new original aggro deck, that has a better synergy than this one.

Posted 30 May 2009 at 23:38 as a comment on Bloodbraid Aggro


Your mana base does not support the cards you are playing. Also you will need some spot removal. A wrath affect or 2 is good as well. If someone gets out a large creature, you seem to be helpless other than to chump block until you win. You definitely have a good idea though, however this deck as it stands is too vulnerable.

Posted 27 May 2009 at 15:34 as a comment on Draw & Discard Burn


Who is rating this deck badly, it was at +2 at one point. Do people actually think this is a bad deck???

Posted 27 May 2009 at 15:05 as a comment on Cascade Control


P.S. This is quite possibly one of the only decks that can get away with having 20 lands. I don't know if you actually knew this, or if its because you just put 20 lands in a deck as a default, but this deck does have a low enough mana curve. Other than that the has no spot removal, and has no options.

Posted 27 May 2009 at 15:01 as a comment on Rollin' stones


How about the new wall in ARB. The 0/7 with shroud and flying and all that stuff.

Posted 27 May 2009 at 14:59 as a comment on Rollin' stones


You need more than 20 lands! no one ever seems to get this. You might draw well sometimes, but you will get mana screwed too much. this deck needs like 24 lands.

Posted 27 May 2009 at 09:34 as a comment on goblin & dragon assault


you need to pick better creatures, the ones you have right now are pretty bad. You don't want land cycling in a creature. Especially creatures with no abilities. And why is demonic dread in here. Bituminous blast is a much better card. Same with maelstrom pulse.

Posted 27 May 2009 at 09:32 as a comment on Cascading Jund


P.S. please comment and RATE my decks.

Posted 25 May 2009 at 11:28 as a comment on working mill (it works!)


you need more lands. I think that that blue enchantment that makes your opponent mill 2 everytime they play a spell would be a nice addition. Forced fruition would be good too. Nemesis of reason might be a good creature as well. Glimpse is a great turn 2 as well.

Posted 25 May 2009 at 11:27 as a comment on working mill (it works!)


looks pretty solid. I think wrath would just end this deck. Especially if they have lots of removal. I do remember slivers being way over powered, so I guess this is just another sliver deck.

Posted 25 May 2009 at 10:38 as a comment on sliver for the win!!


BTW, about the brood mate, well, he is a big flyer that gives you card advantage, and takes 2 removal spells to kill. He is also really good against tokens. Its always nice to have that big win creature, especially if you are playing control decks that will probably have similar.

Posted 25 May 2009 at 10:24 as a comment on bloodbraid cascade v 5.0


YOU NEED MORE THAN 20 LANDS! The cards cost way too much to play, and it looks like your first creature doesn't come till turn 4 (I doubt you will be playing necroskitter turn 3 with all the removal out there). You might like making this a B/R deck so you can include the harbinger and the bannerret to make your creatures cost less.

Posted 25 May 2009 at 10:21 as a comment on -1/-1


okay, based on what I have seen from tournament play this weekend, I agree with you about colossal might. As for manaplasm, because you can't play it until turn 3, (or turn 2 with a birds) and its only a 1/1 when it comes out, any burn spell or mass removal will kill it (fallout/jundcharm/pyroclasm) Personally, I try to stay away from 1/1's and when your opponent sees that they will simply remove it, or chump it once until they get the removal. I am also warming up to the boarderposts a little bit, so I could see running 2-4, but I personally don't like them. They will also powerup your hackblades if you drop 1 turn 1. I would try to stick to the haste theme with your creatures, and find some small 1 or 2 drop with haste. If nothing else, raging goblin is always funny. I would personally recommend hellspark elemental as your 2 drop. Hes nice to cascade into with bloodbraid, and he comes back. Also good with violent outburst if you play it before declaring attackers. Then you get a 4/1 trample because he resolves first. I have actually been turned off of birds recently because people around me target them like crazy. Its really annoying. People have actually sided in stuff like shock and other 1drop burn spells to kill them. Its quite irritating. Rampant growth is better I think because you get a land out of your deck, and you get to shuffle (incase you cascaded by an important spell). If you don't like rampant growth, fertile ground is another option that, if you play on an untapped land, only costs 1 mana to play.

In response to my comment up there about maelstrom pulse raping tokens, well, I played tokens this weekend at FNM and took first. I played 3 decks with maelstrom pulse, and lost the first match of every single one! However, I have learned that it can become difficult to use if your opponent can play around it very well. I think on paper this deck should beat tokens, but a good player will be an absolute bitch to play against game 2! The one loss I had was the person who sided out the pulses and sided in the thought hemorrhages. I was sitting there with stuff in my hand trying to get him to empty his so I could remove it and then kill him, when he thought hemorrhaged cloudgoat hitting me for 6 and cutting my hand in half. Someone played both thought hemorrhage and pulse, but when you empty your hand 4th turn, and hit them with an identity crisis form under the windbrisk.... game over. Anyway, what Im saying is, while this looks like a great deck, don't be surprised if you loose quite a bit while learning to play it, especially if you are playing against really good players.

Posted 25 May 2009 at 10:13 as a comment on bloodbraid cascade v 5.0


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